Thứ Tư, 27 tháng 4, 2011

Is there a website where i can buy lightly used cell phones?

Is there a website where i can buy lightly used cell phones?

I want a new cell phone but don’t what to pay 300 dollars or sign a new contract.. Is there somewhere everywhere i can shop for cheap cell phones?

Answer by GORGI

Answer by ProstoTak

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Do not use cell phone.
used cell phones

Image by ewige

I know what I’m looking for. I’m looking for the charity that takes ancient electronic equipment like cell phones, PDA’s, pagers, laptops, ect..and recycles them and gives them to battered women’s shelters for the women to use in cases of emergency, or to call 911 if they are being stalked by their violent exes. I really need the NAME of the organization that does this. I’m writing a scholarship essay and the question is “If you had a million dollars and had to donate ALL of it to just ONE charity, what charity would it be and why?” and I chose this one because it takes a finite quantity of goods and makes a continuous excellent, plus it also helps the environment by keeping these things out of landfills. As Ghandi once said, “Live simply so that others can simply live” and I try to follow that, so if anyone has this information, it would be GREATLY appreciated.

Answer by ChemGeek
I dont reckon there is only *one* that does it. But Secure The Call is one of the major ones.

Excellent luck with your scholarship!

Google “Recycle cell phones” You will find many charitable sites that do what you describe. I believe at one time there was one ground-breaking charity that did this, but it caught on and many now do it.
Check this site to commence with:

Answer by cherrycat79
I know many organizations do that but possibly this can help

Answer by Bubbles
A.W.A.P. that is Advocacy Women’s Abuse Program

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
California’s Hand-held Cell Phone Ban Could Extend to Bicyclists
If approved, bicyclists could be fined for by hand-held cell phones. VIDEO: Watch Lynette Romero’s Report LOS ANGELES (KTLA) — Californians could soon face higher fines for by cell phones while pouring — and bicyclists may have to place the phone down as well.
Read more on KTLA-TV Los Angeles

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