Thứ Tư, 27 tháng 4, 2011

Is It Possible For Someone To Listen To My Cell Phone Calls on a Police Scanner??

Is It Possible For Someone To Listen To My Cell Phone Calls on a Police Scanner??

Could someone monitor all my cell phone calls?
And if so if I get a new cell phone will it have a new frequency that won’t be programed into my stalkers scanner???

Answer by Daniel
The FBI can, but they can only listen for three minutes. If they don’t hear anything incriminating to what they are looking for, they have to stop listening. No your calls cannot be heard on a scanner.

Answer by Not To Serious
Yes I had a scaner that use to pick up cell phones

Answer by poeomoe2003
If you have that frequency.

Answer by ahsoasho2u2

Answer by Bee L
Absolutely people can – yet I thought it was not something that could be done on function. In th epast – when I listened to a scanner it was always a once in a while kind of thing. I suppose if you live in a clustered area (I have always been way off the beaten path) it could pick up on the same person enough so they could be identified. Fascinating question!

A side note – my computer speakers pick up cell phones in passing cars – very weird. Especially since people are always shouting it seems and I live lonely – freaked me out for the longest time, in anticipation of I pinpointed the noise. My ancient walkie talkies would pick up cell and cordless tele’s all the time, too.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Ancient school communication device
cell phone scanner

Image by Bernhard Benke
More eye catching in public than an iPhone. Still my favorite cell phone. Possibly will be replaced by a Crackberry…

I say a conversation on a cell phone can be picked up by a scanner at some distance, some one else says this is impossible unless the scanner is very close to the cell phone, within metres….who is right?

Answer by mrs_pipesmoker
you are. the scanner doesn’t have to be real close to pick the conversation up.we live ten miles from town and can pick them up

Answer by ►BobB◄
you are – sort of….

First, you cannot buy a scanner in the USA that can receive cell phones unless you are a government agency.
You can buy overseas and bring into the USA if you do not get caught.

Second, a cell phone is a very low powered transmitter, if you did have the ability to receive, you must be very close, but since the cell site acts as a repeater station, anything you send on the transmit frequency is going to be heard but the cell site… anything on the receive channel will be broadcast in the cell sites foot print.

The scanner – if you have one that will really receive cell freqs, will hear the nearest cell tower and would be very unlikely that you could hear a distant cell site because of the FM “capture effect” and you will hear only the strongest signal.

Answer by wires
You can pick up the cell tower, which repeats the signal at a stronger level than the cell phone transmits, at a much greater distance than the cell phone itself. While this is the equivalent of picking up the cell phone it’s not like peas in a pod. To pick up the cell phone itself you will have to be honestly close. Cell phones reduce their power to reach the nearest tower. If the tower if close to the phone it’s power level is honestly low. Scanners are not highly sensitive receivers so they’ll have to be relatively close to pick up the cell phone itself. How far away the can be depends on the power the cell phone is putting out at the time and the sensitivity of the scanner. Usually you could pick up the cell phone itself at a few hundred meters, not just a few tens of meters. You could receive the cell tower miles away. This is simply receiving the signals. There are other problems if you want to really know the signals that make receiving them worth the effort. The larger problems in hearing a cell phone conversation is being able to know it.
Scanners in the US are disabled on the cell frequencies. They can’t be programmed into the scanner for reception. Cell phones are duplex, they use one frequency for transmitting and another for receiving. You have to be able to listen to 2 frequencies to hear both sides of a conversation as the 2 phones may not be on the same receive frequency. If the other phone is on a tower at a distance you won’t receive that signal and won’t hear the talk part of one of the cell phones. Cell phones use a trunking system. This means the frequency it’s by may change during the conversation. The scanner will have to be competent of following this change. Cell phone companies also use digital modulation. To hear (at least know) a cell conversation you’ll have to use a digital competent scanner. Cell companies also use encryption. To hear (know) the digital conversation you’ll also have to be able to decrypt the digital code.
So while you may be able to receive a signal from a cell phone it won’t do you any excellent unless you can also follow and decode it.

Answer by classicsat
It doesn’t need to be close, being both the phone and the tower transmit at significant power.

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Editor’s note: this is the second installment in a series of tales about the Nevada Police Department’s Citizen Police Academy. Nevada Daily Mail reporter Rusty Murry has been assigned the task of attending the academy and reporting back as a participant, not just an observer.
Read more on Nevada Daily Mail

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Paul Joseph Watson April 20, 2011 If there was a scintilla of doubt as to whether Americans are living in a predatory police state, then this tale completely eviscerates it. Michigan state police have been by a handheld mobile forensics device to steal information from cell phones belonging to motorists stopped for minor traffic violations. The high-tech device works with 3000 different phone models and can bypass passwords to process “Complete extraction of unfilled, hidden, and deleted phone data, including call description, text messages, contacts, images, and geotags,” according to CelleBrite, the company behind the device. “The Physical Analyzer allows visualization of both unfilled and deleted locations on Google Earth. In addition, house information from GPS devices and image geotags can be mapped on Google Maps.” “A US Department of Justice test of the CelleBrite UFED used by Michigan police found the device could grab all of the photos and video off of an iPhone within one-and-a-half minutes,” reports Michigan state police have been by the device to conduct 4th amendment-violating searches of motorists’ phones who have not even been suspected of any crime. To add insult to injury, when the ACLU attempted to file a freedom of information act question for to learn how police were by the devices, they were slapped with a demand for 4680 from the Michigan state

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