Thứ Năm, 28 tháng 4, 2011

Can I just buy a cell phone without a plan?

Can I just buy a cell phone without a plan?

buy cell phone plan
by amanky

I already have a red krzr along with a cell phone plot at verizon but I want to get a lg venus in pink but is it possible to get the replacement cell phone without having to get a plot?

Answer by Nick E
yes but u have to buy it full retail price

Answer by scvw79
yes. look on ebay… tons

Answer by Rachal F
yah, but isn’t that just a waste of money sense you wont be able to do anything with it produce you need the plot

Answer by Dapper Napper
yes, although you pay full price, there is no discount what so ever. You may still be eligible for the rebate, though

Answer by John adams
yeah but it’s ganna be alot of money

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the circle of joe 8
buy cell phone plan

Image by -kÇ-
After calling the device "the item single-handedly responsible for the erosion of our nation’s social and cultural foundation" for close to a decade, Jason Whiting gave in to social pressures this weekend and bought a cell phone.

The 34-year-ancient bought the Motorola 6620 at the Maple Village Shopping Center.

"I got the simplest, most basic calling plot," Whiting said. "I sure as hell wasn’t going to get one of those phones that takes pictures. To tell you the certainty, I’m not even plotting on charitable out the digit."

Whiting said he was loath to accept the "encroachment of technology" into his personal life, and clarified that he "[does not] plot on becoming one of those people with cell phones."

"This is for emergencies only," he said. "In case my car stalls on the freeway and I need to call for help, or in the event that I absolutely must get in touch with someone but am away from home."

I have an at&t cell phone plot, and I want the LG Dare, but it’s a verizon wireless phone, not available for at&t. Can I buy and use this phone while staying on at&t?

Answer by Brianrocker
No you cant sorry. The verizon phone wont work on at&ts network its not compatible. At&t is gsm. Verizon is cdma. Sorry

Answer by puppylover21295
u should swicth to verizon its better

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