Thứ Năm, 28 tháng 4, 2011

does walmart have their own cell phone towers?

does walmart have their own cell phone towers?

cell phone towers
by smith

well, i know you can buy phones from there, but if you buy a smartphone from them, do they use their own towers (if they have any), or do they use the cell phone towers from the main carrier that offers the phone. because im thinknig about getting the blackberry set on fire from walmart and i want to know if walmart will use their own towers, or AT&T’s (the main carrier) towers. thanks!

Answer by deseanjackson1010

Answer by Lynn Dale
I don’t reckon so

Answer by James Q
Of course not. Walmart is in the business of promotion retail not running mobile networks.
All Walmart does is sell the phone and the plot-anyone can do that.
When your account is activated your carrier will determine which network will be used.
And whoever owns the towers determines what carrier puts their antennas on it. pretty much many tower owners tries to get all the carries to place their antennas on it as that means more income for them and to help pay for building the tower in the first house.

Answer by Moishe K
No they are a cell phone store not service provider

Answer by Toast
No you have to sign a contract with AT&T so it’s AT&T’s towers. Walmart is just a 3rd party.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

I know the huge power line towers aren’t excellent to live by, but what about the cell phone/radio towers with the red illumination on them? I am looking at a house that is about .5 miles away from them. Is that still too close? Or is there nothing to worry about in any case?
They are 300 ft in height

Answer by Ronald
Those cell towers aren’t much more of a concern the the radio in your phone. Both are in commission at pretty low power.

Answer by rahul t
what is the height of tower?
even approx will do, do answer this to help me answer your question correctly.

Answer by thebeallendall
You are right that power shape are a conundrum if located in your neighborhood. Cell towers, on the other hand, are not a concern. The voltage is MUCH lower than power shape. If this tower is for a radio station, though, I would be concerned. If you can’t tell the difference between a radio station tower and a cell phone tower just look in the phone book or question neighbors. Generally, in the US, radio station towers must be a certain distance from residential areas.

Answer by zuma
The only danger is up 300ft, if you happen to be there when it’s in use.

Answer by wortley szopinski
Incredible! It may help.

Add your own answer in the comments!

Insomnia, Exhaustion and Cell Phone Towers

When did you last get 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep? Learn about the downside (adverse health effects) of wireless technology including cell phones, Iphones, Ipads and laptops. Microwave radiation from cell phone towers may produce health-related problems that includes one or more of the following – insomnia, shallow sleep, exhaustion, adrenal exhaustion, loss of mental focus, oxidative stress, depressed immunity, reduced testosterone levels in men, endocrine dysfunction, elevated stress hormones (

List Price: $ 3.95

Price: http “The current US standard for cell site radiation in the US is 580-1000 microwatts per square centimetre. Many other countries have set levels hundreds of times lower. The reason for the disparity is that no one really knows what level of cell tower radiation is safe. Current limits have been influenced more by economic and biased imperatives than by research into health and safety. More vital than the intensity of electromagnetic radiation emitted at the tower is the strength of the resulting EMF wherever people live and work. This depends on the intensity at the source – and one’s distance from it. Cell towers safe distance Different cell sites emit different amounts of radiation. Radiation levels from a single cell site vary, depending on usage. Even maintenance issues can affect how much radiation a cell site is now producing. Radiation around a single cell tower may not be uniform – there can be hot and cold a skin condition. Measurement with a suitable meter is the only way to know how much radiation you are receiving at a particular spot. But it seems that 400 metres is a safe distance for most people, and less vital distances may also be safe in some cases. Cell tower health effects Individuals differ in their response to similar levels of EMF radiation. For some people, small term effects from cell tower radiation exposure may include headaches, sleep disorders, poor memory, mental excitation, confusion, anxiety, depression, appetite
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