Thứ Tư, 27 tháng 4, 2011

Do you know how the Government spends your money on illegal immigrants?

Do you know how the Government spends your money on illegal immigrants?

Here Is a sample!!
From a school teacher – - -

“As you listen to the news about the student protests over illegal
immigration there are some things that you should be aware of:

I am in charge of the English-as-a-second-language department at a
large southern California high school which is designated a Title 1
school, meaning that its students average lower socio-economic and income levels.
Most of the schools you are hearing about – South Gate High, Bell
Gardens, Huntington Park, etc.-where these students are protesting, are also Title 1 schools.

One hundred percent of the students in this school and other Title
1 schools are on the free breakfast and free lunch program. When I
say free breakfast,
I’m not talking a glass of milk and roll — but a full breakfast and cereal
bar with fruits and juices that would make a Marriott proud. The
waste of this food is monumental, with trays and trays of it being dumped in the trash uneaten. (OUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK)

I estimate that well over 50% of these students are obese or at
least moderately overweight.

About 75% or more DO have cell phones.

The school also provides day care centers for the unwed teenage
pregnant girls (some as young as 13) so they can attend class without the
inconvenience of having to arrange for babysitters or having family
watch their kids. (OUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK)

I was ordered to spend $ 700,000 on my department or risk losing
funding for the upcoming year even though there was little need for anything; my budget was already substantial. I ended up buying new computers for the computer learning center; half of which, one month later, have been carved with graffiti by the appreciative students who obviously feel humbled and grateful to have a free education in America. (OUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK)

I have had to intervene several times for young and substitute
teachers whose classes consist of many illegal immigrant students here in the country less then 3 months who raised so much hell with the female
teachers, calling them “Putas” (whores) and throwing things that the teachers were in tears.

Free medical, free education, free food, day care etc., etc.,
etc. Is it any wonder they feel entitled to not only be in this country but to
demand rights, privileges and entitlements?
To my bleeding-heart friends who want to point out how much these
illegal immigrants contribute to our society because they LIKE their
gardener and housekeeper and they like to pay less for tomatoes: spend some time in the real world of illegal immigration and see the TRUE costs.

Higher insurance, Medical facilities closing, higher medical
costs, more crime, lower standards of education in our schools, overcrowding, new diseases etc., etc., etc. For me, I’ll pay more for tomatoes.
We need to wake up. The Guest worker program will be a disaster
because we won’t have the guts to enforce it. Does anyone in their right mind really think they will voluntarily leave and return?

There are many hardworking Hispanic/American citizens that
contribute to our country and many that I consider my true friends. We should encourage and accept those Hispanics who have done it the right and legal way.
It does, however, have everything to do with culture: A third-world
culture that does not value education, that accepts children getting
pregnant and dropping out of school by 15 and that refuses to assimilate, and an American culture that has become so weak and worried about “politically correct” that we don’t have the will to do anything about it.

Answer by coragryph
And how many of those children — not their parents, the children — are illegal immigrants? If the answer is zero, then your complaint isn’t about immigration. It’s about welfare.

And if you don’t like government welfare, get your local laws changed. That’s the way the political process works.

Answer by JD
Well Said

Not To Mention That Less Than 40 Percent
Of ILLEGAL ALIEN Students (Anchor Babies / Border Crossers)
( “students here in the country less then 3 months” )
Actually Make It To HS Graduation

Thanks For The Post

Answer by hittykkiod
Yeah..the illegal day workers have formed a union here in Jersey…As a taxpayer I am paying for thier the heated and air conditioned trailors in the Home Depot parking lot. They are demanding fair pay as illegals…They are literally thousands standing outside every morning in a two block area

Answer by sealRborders
GREAT POST!!!!! I couldn’t have said it better, myself!!!!!!

Answer by aztecprincess1971
I totally see your point, but try to work at a High School in Atlanta GA. they waiste the same $ $ $ with other minorities, and I believe the kids are mostly citizens already.

Give your answer to this question below!

free cell phones from the government

Image by maureen_sill
jessica called me on her break today and i ended up having a small break-down
well not emotionally, just mentally, i am so confused
my friend is leaving to work on an organic farm in two weeks out west, in northern california and he is really special to me
he played on my most recent record and that meant the world to me because he hates recording and he hates what technology represents
he says it is bullshit and it is fake and i am going to miss his harsh attitude
he’s probably the most punk rock person i’ve ever met
which is the dumbest thing to say, ever, but he’s pretty hardcore
he believes the internet is a conspiracy theory for the government to hunt down activists and humanitarians because they see them as terrorists
because of this
he does not have an email address
or a cell phone
he does not like to have his picture taken
he doest not have a tv
or a facebook account or anything like that
he is not sure he will have an address out there, when he goes
and i’m happy for him, i’m happy he is so free from the tethers of bullshit society
but i am going to miss him and i’m really sad and worried that i will never see him again
i tell jessica this on the phone, especially that he doesn’t want me to take his picture, he won’t ever let me take his picture
and she said, honey
just explain to him that it is part of your process
explain to him that it is part of your process of loving and remembering someone
he is an understanding person
and he will understand
i say, i don’t know
i know his process
his process is to do as much lsd as one person can possibly do in order to understand things the way he wants to understand them
and that is fine with me
i think that’s powerful in his sense
i just wish he could understand how much i’m going to miss him and why i’m worried i won’t ever get to see him again, he is going to try to live off the grid, because honestly in today’s society
how often do you have to say goodbye to someone, forever?
and when someone doesn’t have a phone or an address or a real means of contacting them
i say, well can i write to you at least
and he says, no, don’t bother, that’s depressing and then he also says
i’ll know you are missing me and i hope you’ll know i’m missing you too
and i say, well why can’t i show you that i will miss you
i’m so confused with him and frankly so is everyone else
i don’t want to say he is abandoning us because he is just doing what he has to do
he is growing up and being free
just in a really, really harsh way that i’m not used to
i can’t tell if he’s braver and more honest and realistic than everyone else
or just crazy, sometimes

do you still want to line up behind him as your political Jesus?

The following list is of beliefs which Alex Jones has explicitly or implicitly stated on his cable access show–sometimes many times

Alex Jones has correctly predicted everything that has happened in the last 10 years. (Can you spell M-E-G-A-L-O-M-A-N-I-A? I thought you could…)
Black helicopters are real.
Charlie Sheen inherited his father’s brains.
There’s a worldwide takeover going on, perceptible only to dumb white guys.
The ruling elite of the world worship Moloch. (The evidence for this is a blurry video of the show at Bohemian Grove. Alex thinks the Bohemian Grove show is real.)
The secret rulers of the world can live forever. (No one knows where this comes from or why Alex believes it. I think it came from a dream Alex had. As far as I know, the rulers of the world continue to die normally.)
The elite have openly announced that they want to kill 80% of us.
Dick Cheney writes papers saying terrorism isn’t real. (Alex wouldn’t say what papers. Alex Jones almost never says where he gets his “information.”)
The U.S. Government went around Italy blowing up school busses full of children…& admitted it. (Twirling their moustaches & going “Nya-ha-ha-ha!” Alex hears a lot of admissions no one else can hear.)
The left-right political spectrum is bogus (This is the dominant paradigm of stupid people today!)
There are little wires in dollar bills that keep track of what you buy. (Somehow.)
Vicente Fox can morph into a green devil. (Alex says he saw him do it. Honest. This vision occurred when Fox visited Texas, c. 2003-4, & Alex bullhorned him.)
The Communist Chinese Army has taken over the Massachusetts Port Authority.
Illegal aliens live the Life of Reilly in the United States. (In hospital emergency rooms, they always get to go to the front of the line! They also get tax breaks, free school tuition, discounts on Twinkies, etc.! It’s part of a secret plot that only Alex Jones has figured out.)
Noam Chomsky is a mongoloid idiot. Also an agent.
There are Illuminati symbols on Starbucks coffee cups. (The Illuminati leave clues visible only to angry white guys with IQ’s in the mid-80′s.)
Exits on tollroads are 50 miles apart. (It’s a takeover! who woulda thought?)
Jacques Cousteau wanted to kill 80% of us. (Jacques, too? I wonder why he didn’t live forever?)
Margaret Sanger gave & received awards from Hitler. (When the Nazis weren’t burning her books.)
There are live AIDS viruses in the corn. (This means no sex with the corn.)
91% of Americans are Nazis. (Alex says anyone who favors gun control is a Nazi; 91% of Americans favor mandatory handgun registration; that’s a lotta Nazis, Alex.)
The United Nations goes around Africa, sterilizing women at random (twirling their moustaches & going “Nya-ha-ha-haa!”)
The Founding Fathers were stupid (they were Masons––but they didn’t know about the secret conspiracy so obvious to Alex & his friends)
Masons can commit murder. They make a secret sign to the judges and are immediately set free.
All throughout history, governments have always been evil. (Bet you didn’t know that. Like most of the Patriots, Alex is an anti-government bigot. He frequently poses as a historian, but no real historian believes what Alex Jones believes.)
Power outages are government plots.
Illegal immigration is a government plot.
The counterculture is a government plot.
Vaccines are a you-know-what.
Thumbscanning is a government plot.
Environmentalism is a government plot.
The National Seatbelt Initiative is a bloody government plot.
Feminism is a government plot.
Tollroads are a gummint plot.
This web page is a government plot.
Your mother is a government plot.
The goddam drug culture is a government plot. (Alex Buzzkill Jones.)
Cell phones are a government plot.
Sports are a government plot…somehow.
Antidepressants are a government plot. (Better you should say “What’s NOT a government plot?”)
All domestic terror attacks are government plots. (Pulled off by the most inompetent administration in history, fooling everyone in the world except angry white guys with IQ’s in the mid-80′s.)
The government brings in all the drugs. (All of them! Only Alex Jones knows this. No documentation. No nothing. Just another bad dream Alex mistook for news.)
Arnold Schwartzeneggar is a known Nazi. (Only Alex knows this. Someone alert the Kennedys.)
Arnold Schwartzeneggar is part of an Austrian plot to take over America. (Alex really has it in for Arnie. He has a web page devoted entirely to ad hominem attacks against the ex-terminator.)
Skull & Bones is part of an English plot to take over America.
The United Nations is part of a (very slow) plot to take over America.

Adjust your tin hats.

Children’s cartoons are part of a government plot to brainwash us. (Alex Jones is immune. Conspiracy guys are always immune to the brainwashing they see everywhere. White-Guy egotism.)
Organized religion is brainwashing us. (Doesn’t Alex realize brainless people cannot brainwash?)
My cable show brainwashes you. (If that were true, people would be sending me money.)
The secret ruling elite of the world are putting up buildings that look like owls. (Only conspiracy people can see these owls, in case you were wondering. I wonder why they don’t build pyramids with eyes on top of them.)
Most major police chiefs are CIA operatives.
Gloria Steinham is a CIA operative.
The voting-machine companies are openly run by the CIA. (“Openly run by the CIA” sounds like an oxymoron to me.)
The Quakers are communists. (Er…I thought communists were atheists. Of course, right-wing loonies have no concept of what communism is.)
All of Clinton’s cabinet were Jewish. (Alex is not anti-Semitic. I don’t know why he said this. Another dream, I guess.)
People in Holland have tattoos saying “Don’t Kill Me.” (A tougher country than we thought.)
Lyndon Johnson had John Kennedy killed. (I guess JFK was stupid, choosing LBJ as his running mate like that. Conspiracy guys are stupid, so they think everybody is stupid.)
The UN has sold thousands of children into slavery & for snuff films.
Gays are actively recruiting in our schools. (Why do right-wing loonies always believe this?)
The government keeps “giant, honeycombed hives full of toddlers drugged on lithium” (twirling their moustaches & going “NYA-HAHAHAHA!”)
The Rothschilds funded Hitler. (Once again, normally smart people become staggeringly stupid in Alex’s dreams.)
People in Africa tear off their arms after receiving vaccinations. (But then, we’ve all done that.)
The government is spraying us with EVIL CHEMICALS contained in the contrails of planes (also poisoning themselves, I guess. Shows you how ruthless the elite are.)
The United Nations goes around Africa, sterilizing women at random (twirling their moustaches & saying “Nya-ha-ha-haa!”)
Every soldier who died in any war since the Civil War was a chump (you thought they were heroes; turns out they were nothing but fools; how’s THAT for patriotism?)
Antidepressants are a government plot to bum us out.
The United Nations is part of a (very slow) plot to take over America.
Mercury travels from Africa to Austin on the Jet Stream. That’s why Austinites have so many allergies.
IQ’s are going down. (IQ’s are going up.)
The cancer rate is up. (Most cancer rates are down.)
During his inauguration, President Clinton openly gave the sign of Satan for all the world to see. (They all worship Moloch, don’t forget. I don’t know how we get to Satan from there…but Alex says so.)
Alex Jones is saving humankind with his cable TV show, radio shows, & tapes (available for purchase, by the way).
Bad people are deliberately putting cancer viruses, AIDS viruses, & mercury in our vaccines (twirling their moustaches & going “Nya-hahaha!”).
9-11 was only the beginning; there are going to be lots of even bigger domestic attacks (5 years & waiting on this prediction, Alex).
Most Americans believe the government was behind 9-11 (this is based on Alex’s misreading of a Zogby poll; Alex misreads EVERYTHING)
They sacrifice babies at Bohemian Grove. (Try to imagine Richard Nixon sacrificing a baby. Or GWB. I guess Cheney would do it, perhaps inadvertently.)
They only hire people with IQ’s below 100 to become police officers. (Like most “Patriots,” Alex Jones is essentially a cop-hater. He will say anything bad about the police.)

& finally…my personal favorite:

Alex Jones can predict the future, because he goes to the SECRET WEBSITES where the New World Order tells you EVERYTHING IT’S GOING TO DO
Lucky- He is a guy who started out simply enough in Austin, Texas with a local show basically talking sh!t about the “man” and the “system” your typical stuff, but then he saw an oportunity to exploit 9/11 to get some real publicity and he took it.

Answer by sprcpt
can you say NUT JOB!
I knew you could.

Answer by lucky_j_2003
who is Alex Jones?

Answer by g
yes… he’s a total nutbar… but at least he’s entertaining… hahaha… I couldn’t make some of that stuff up and I consider myself to be creative…

Answer by MishMash
I appreciate all your work in compiling this information. I went to see Alex Jones at a symposium in Los Angeles this past June. I thought it was awesome. I do not believe him to be my “political Jesus,” though I do take seriously most of what he says.

Answer by zippychippy
Poor Alex, that’s what happens when you drink the blue koolaid. And btw, I already knew my mother was a government plot!

What do you think? Answer below!
More gunfire, arrests in Syria
Despite a crackdown on pro-reform demonstrators, there is no international appetite for a warlike approach to Syria — a playmaker with ties to Iran and a say in a possible Arab peace pact with Israel.
Read more on Minnesota Public Radio

Translation for non Arabic speaking viewers of our second Freedom Cell Phone Movies : Cell Phone Movies Presents Title : Speech: so what ? Voice over : President Mubarak is a great man President Mubarak is a first class ruthless dictator An Islamic government is our only hope A religious government may seriously damage your freedom A woman is to cover her body, listen to her husband and stop acting like a whore A woman is a man’s equal, she may do whatever she likes Punch line : Freedom of opinion requires no second opinion End : Egypt, speak up – - – - – This spot is meant to encourage an open discussion around Freedom of Speech, opinion, diversity, mutual tolerance and respect. I believe we do not need to be ONE to live together. We can be different and respect each other. Overall, we need mutual tolerance. You do not need to agree to someone’s way of thinking. All you need is to accept that he or she has the *full* Right to be different than you are, and to live in the same building, street, village, town, country. And so do you. This spot is designed to be downloaded ad exchanged on cell phones. Ahmadsherif / Ahmad Sherif
Video Rating: 0 / 5

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