Thứ Ba, 26 tháng 4, 2011

can you interchange cell phone models, as long as the sim card works. mine is broken.?

can you interchange cell phone models, as long as the sim card works. mine is broken.?

i have another model of a cell phone, same phone different look, older model. my speaker quit working and i can’t hear it ring?

Answer by chris_fletcher_is
Yes you can. I have had the same problem and I tried switching sim cards and it worked just fine. If it doesnt don’t worry it won’t screw anything up. It just won’t work.

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Model Explaining Cell Phone
cell phone models

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Where can I find frequently updated database of all cell phone makes and models with pictures?
Where can I find downloadable frequently updated database of all cell phone makes and models with pictures?

Answer by Carl and are both mobile review sites. They are kept very up to date as to which phones are coming out and etc. Have fun!

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