Thứ Năm, 26 tháng 5, 2011

Why is Obama giving away free celphones to welfare recips?

Why is Obama giving away free celphones to welfare recips?

I had a former employee call me earlier today inquiring about a job, and at the end of the conversation he gave me his phone number. I asked the former employee if this was a new cell phone number and he told me yes this was his Obama phone. I asked him what an Obama phone was and he went on to say that welfare recipients are now eligible to receive (1) a FREE new phone and (2) approx 70 minutes of FREE minutes every month. I was a little skeptical so I Googled it and low and behold he was telling the truth. TAX PAYER MONEY IS BEING REDISTRIBUTED TO WELFARE RECIPIENTS FOR FREE CELL PHONES. This program was started earlier this year. Enough is enough, the ship is sinking and sinking fast. The very foundations that this country was built on are being shaken. The age old concepts of God, family, and hard work have flown out the window and are being replaced with Hope and Change – Change we can believe in. You can click on the link below to read more about the Obama phone.

Answer by Pringles
This country is teaching people that it is okay not to work, because hey, the government will buy you a house, a car, and a cell phone too! THIS in part is why our economy is collapsing, these leaching have no desire to work or contribute to society.

Answer by renaisance festival
if you dont like it then move to canada. im giving you a FREE bus ticket. by the way, god does NOT exist.

Answer by Yishka Bedishka
Don’t you know, that is the only part of his change that was truthful. Playing Robin Hood to the lazy

Answer by John McGraw
I think the funniest part of your rant is clearly the fact that you don’t even notice the internal inconsistency.

Someone called you about a job. They used a cellphone they got from the government. Perhaps the government is giving people cell phones so that they can call about jobs? Is the idea of the government encouraging people to get jobs really shaking the foundation of this country at its very core?

Would you be equally upset if the government had free programs to help welfare recipients put together good resumes?

Get a grip.

Answer by RJC

I love it, section 8 housing, WIC, food stamps, free (to me) health care,
bought a cash for clunkers for $ 200, now a free (to me) phone.
Now all I need is a cash payin job to pay for a new car stereo.

From the Site: “Features such as caller ID, call waiting and voicemail are all also included with your service.”

That’s better than I have now.

Give your answer to this question below!

Have you applied for your free Obama phone yet?

Another question. How can a person afford internet access to order their obama phone if they can’t afford a cell phone?

Answer by LadyB
No, I’m not on welfare.

How can you object to something to help the poor?

Have you ever been on welfare or homeless?

I thought not.

Calvinism is obviously not dead.

Answer by therascal
No I haven’t, but the ones that do will get the money from SSI or welfare, unemployment checks…

Answer by Greg
My favorite part of the recording “and you be assured to receive no contracts and no bills, ever”. Damn, lol.

The sad part is that most people in the programs mentioned on that recording already have a cell phone, internet and probably cable tv too.

God bless the USA.

Answer by Englishman in Kentucky
The problem with this is that people will abuse it to the max, meanwhile honest, working taxpayers are going to once again foot the bill. Enought is enough, this crap must come to an end.

Answer by WolfEagle101
yes but it being free meant it was poorly made and utterly useless.

What do you think? Answer below!
Comment on Blogosphere and the Mainstream Media: Any Difference? by sampj
NST/Berita Harian, Utusan, TV3/7/8/9 are owned and controlled by UMNO, Star is controlled by MCA, Sun is owned by V Tan, four of the Chinese language papers Sin Chew, Nanyang, China Press, and Kwang Min are owned and controlled by BN connected Sarawak tycoon, and the Tamil papers? Controlled by different factions of the MIC. Yes Dato’, I always read the various blogs with a lot of skepticism but …
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It was one of Barack Obama’s most famous presidential pledges – close the Guantanamo Bay prison camp and move military trials to civilian courts. But the detention centre in Cuba remains open and now the US president has given the order for military trials to resume. Obama also unveiled new procedures on how to treat detainees deemed too dangerous to free or impossible to convict due to tainted evidence and who may remain incarcerated indefinitely. The White House says it has made the system fairer, but many critics see it as a return to square one. Al Jazeera’s John Terrett reports.

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