Thứ Tư, 25 tháng 5, 2011

why does eveyone say LG phones suck?

why does eveyone say LG phones suck?

? i want to get the LG rhythm but everyone says it along with all additional LG phones suck. why? and if you have any insight on LG or this phone i’d be grateful for the info! i really want the phone but i want to make sure it works.

Answer by Louise
I’ve never heard that. I have an LG phone – the 1st generation Rumor- and I like it. It’s the most durable phone I’ve had – it has survived life lost in the snow, falling down three flights of stairs (multiple times…) and is only slightly scratched. Only complaint is that the battery life is variable. A full batterie can last between a month and 3 days.

Answer by DaSkater
Well, its a very poor quality phone. You drop it a few time, the next business you know your screen will stop working. Its beyond doubt not a strong phone any. Also over time it may even develop battery problems! And also over time it will develop even more problems!!! I recommend another brand such as (ex. apple, android, GTC) motorola isn’t terrible any!

Answer by Kairi
LG phones dont suck!they are really positively excellent!LG and Samsung phones are the best marked cell phones out there!

Answer by aikouka
i cant seem to find it listed on gsmarea, is it out yet?

well from looking at it, its a very basic phone, and theres nothing incorrect with that. most public want smartphones, or advanced phones, the phone youre getting is a music phone. itll make excellent quality phonecalls, and play your favorite music. phones like this are more durable build, they wont break, even if you drop them. LG is known for making cheap phones, not necessarily cheap in quality, but in price. they are the 5th most bought phone company on the market today. if this is what you want in a phone, then by all earnings get it, i had a phone somewhat simular to this, it cost me 30 dollars with a contract, it did the job, and had a excellent battery life.

Give your answer to this question below!

lg phones

Image by LGEPR
LG전자, 명품 'S-Class UI' 탑재한 2세대 풀터치폰 4 총사로 아시아 휴대폰 시장 공략

■ 싱가포르에서 개최되는 '커뮤닉아시아 2009' (6/16~19) 참가
■'상상속의 아이디어가 현실로'를 주제로 30여종의 모바일 기기 전시
■'S-클래스 UI'탑재한 아레나폰, 스마트폰, 투명폰, 뷰티 스마트 등 2009년 전략 모델 대거 선보여
■ LG전자 MC사업본부 안승권 본부장, "휴대폰을 보다 '쉽고, 빠르고, 재미있게'사용할 수 있는 S-클래스 UI를 탑재한 프리미엄 제품을 지속적으로 출시해 아시아 시장의 프리미엄 이미지를 선도할 것"

I’ve had a couple of LG phones malfunction and so have additional public’s.

Answer by Amber
Its just a terrible company that makes cheap phones. Samsung is the way to go.

Know better? Place your own answer in the comments!
Android wars: Sony, LG challenge Motorola for Verizon users’ hearts, cash
Summer is just around the corner, which earnings it’s time for device manufacturers to release their high-profile Android devices all at the same time to pre-empt the iPhone 5 hype machine.
Read more on Computer World Australia

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