Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 5, 2011

why do x ray machines soak up cell phone batteries?

why do x ray machines soak up cell phone batteries?

why do x-ray machines soak up the cell phone batteries? I would really appricate if any one may maybe help me answer this question?
Yes, sorry should of been more specific. I ment why do they discharge even after having them charge completely? I just notice that is not only my phone but several others. I just curious.

Answer by mike1942f
Soak up is not a usual engineering term.
Do you mean discharge? They don’t at normal examination levels. High levels of radiation, including xrays, are ionizing and will make discharge paths for the battery in the air.
If you mean kill the batteries for further use or suck the weight out, nada.

Answer by billrussell42
do you mean discharge? they don’t.

Add your own answer in the comments!

cell phones batteries

Image by greeblie
Coming up for my tires to be done so I might get some freight and run some more. Watched them use a 5 foot long torque wrench one one of them. Looks like thread T/A shop is getting conscientious in its ancient age.

And I’m just sitting on this bench, wearing out my cell phone battery.

If you place your cell phone charging over night. Will it do any hurt to your battery, or ultimately shorten the life of the battery.

Answer by mattahew
No it wont harm it, It stops taking a charge when the batteries are fully charged

Answer by Tedy
No not really. if u charge your cell and place yo cell on then it will never over charge. But if u turn it off an charge then u may notice some heat in te back of te cell but not alot. sum cells dont heat up at all . sum times a charger nos wen cell is done charging so it doesnt continue chargin.

Answer by zbart2005

Answer by liz f
Yes don’t just plug it up every day wait until t goes dead and charge it over night

Know better? Place your own answer in the comments!
Residents encouraged to dispose of hazardous waste on Saturday
By DONNA RYDER Associate Editor Throughout the month of May, the Obion County Recycle Center has been collecting oil-based paint. Now, area residents who have additional hazardous materials which need to be disposed of may gather them and take them to the recycle center as well, but only this Saturday.
Read more on Union City Messenger

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