Thứ Ba, 17 tháng 5, 2011

Should I get a cell phone for my kids?

Should I get a cell phone for my kids?

My ex wife will not let me call them on her phone. This earnings I don’t get to talk to them at all. They are 6 and 7. I have found some that I can add to my Verizon plot that I can program to send and receive calls only to me. If your answer is yes, do you reckon that it would be unlawful for the mom to take it away. Keep in mind the phone only calls me and there is no legal restraints that keep me from talking to them.


Answer by frustrated
I am no expert, but I would reckon your kids should be able to call you any time they want!
The ex needs to let the kids use her phone, but if she won’t I see no reason why they can’t have a phone of their own.
Excellent luck!

Answer by Alicia
i would say no because there grades may maybe go down get it taking away at school talk to the Judge you have a right to Speak to persons kids

Answer by Sarah
Well that is ridiculous that she won’t let you talk to them on her phone, and you deserve to talk to your kids because they are yours too. They are a bit young to have phones, but I mean if that’s what you need to do to talk to your kids then try and it out and see if it works. I reckon it would be unlawful because the only reason you had to get them was because of her in the first place so you have a very excellent reason for getting them phones!

Answer by Garnet Glitziness
They are too young for cell phones…why don’t you discuss this issue with phone calls in front of a Family Court judge? If the judge orders the phone calls, what is she gonna do? Flaunt a court order?
..and no, it would NOT be unlawful for her to take the phones away as long as she doesn’t sell or keep them.

Add your own answer in the comments!

im not sure and my paronts wont get me a phones unless the plot is under 10 dollors

Answer by beautifulgirlz
anywhere from 25-55 $ a month,there is a business called the go-phone and there is something called a tracfone,if u can question your parents to get u a plot with your parents and each one of u tear the minets,one of my friends has a three way tear with her parents and they pay exactly 10$ a month for her phone.

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