Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 5, 2011

she talks on her cell phone during dates?

she talks on her cell phone during dates?

who does that?? i dont get it o_0
i know the girl im dating really likes me, but she keeps answering her cell phone when we’re on a date even if we’re in the middle of a conversation and a lot of times she’ll be talking or texting for 10 minutes or more. the only time she ever turns her phone off is when we’re watching a movie or something, but as soon as we get out, she’ll immediately check who has called her and she’ll call them right back.
i just let this slide at first, but now it’s really starting to bug me, but i dont want to bring it up because we just got through a different stupid argument that was similar to this and she always makes me feel like im so unreasonable and stingy when i question her to not do certain things like this that bother me. what do i do?
and dont tell me to stop dating her! we really like each additional, im not calling things off just because she uses her cell during dates.
FYI, we’re both 19 and i dont have a cell phone of my own.

Answer by
That behavior is exceptionally RUDE. She probably doesn’t even realize that, so you need to tell her.
If she doesn’t agree to stop, then you really need to reckon about a break-up.

Talking or texting while with someone earnings that the person on the PHONE is more vital than the person you are WITH. Where has ettiquette gone in these electronic days???

Answer by sixoneurdun
yeah it’s rude and incorrect

but she’s grown up with the business stuck to her ear

and she will never know that it’s not cool

it’s part of her world, you any have to get “use to it”

or go on

judge me you’d have a better chance of getting a meth addict to quit using than you would of stopping this phone addiction.

just have to make her aware of how much it bothers you and see if she’s able to comprehend that.

again in her mind, this is a really normal business to do, not rude and disrespectful.

excellent luck, you will need it.

Answer by braves_fan8456
Its not unreasonable to question her to stop doing that. Its really rude to answer calls/text messages on a date. If she really liked you, she wouldnt be doing that. And no thats not normal, its common dating etiquette not to use your cell phone on a date. I dont care how ancient she is or what shes “used to” So yes, if she doesnt stop doing it, then lose her. Shes not worth it.

Answer by The Girl Across The Street
that is very rude of her. u would reckon that she would no that. u should just stop taking her on dates and when she question why the two of u don’t go out anymore u should tell her b/c she is always on the phone and u want her full attention on a date and until she agrees not to be on the phone ur not gonna take her out. ♥

Answer by juan d
from the way she handles the situation, it looks like she is really manipulative and sly. That doesn’t make her a terrible person, but, and you can work this conundrum out. I had a similar situation with a ex-GF of mine.

You have to tell her directly, carefully, and respectfully to keep her 10-small phone calls for a different occasion, that you really want to delight in the time you spend with her but that is apt increasingly hard because of the constant phone calls which interrupt and make you feel left out.

Be nice, be tranquil. If she attacks ( and she will attack) and starts calling you unreasonable or selfish don’t engage in a discussion because if you do you will baggy. why? because she can make it seem like you are making a fuzz out of a “small business” and that you are not charitable her “her space.”

Instead, tell her that you will not insist; tell her she is right, but that you would have really liked the behavior to stop because it’s disruptive, and it would have benefited both of you. You want to look like the one who cares about “us” , “our space”

Hint Hint: use “we” more than “I” and “you” when possible . (use “you” only to send a positive message about her, NOT to say anything negative)

In fact, keep the message sounding positive, and you’ll get more chance to realize your goal.

If she really doesn’t want to stop the behavior (which by the way is plain rude), I’m sorry but persons “small things” aren’t going to stay small forever. I’m not going to advise on what to do on this one because i know that you are going to do what you want to do. but consider carefully and know that it will become more hard to tolerate with every time that happens.

EDIT: do not, under any circumstances, threaten to break-up. That is just what you will get.

What do you reckon? Answer below!

Date with daddy
cell phone dating

Image by Chris and Jenni

me and Danny are collectively and i need some cool cell phone signatures. i have 15 characters to use. please and thanks!!

Answer by .B2.
Something like…

SD(Date of your anniversary)

I’ll use mine and my boyfriend’s as an example…


Answer by ConcertGirl
S&D = <3



Answer by Miaaaa <3
s+d= <3
the date<333s&d

Answer by She He

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