Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 5, 2011

help with cell phone and macbook!!!!?

help with cell phone and macbook!!!!?

I got a macbook and i want to add songs to my phone but whenever i plug it in, i do not know where to go to add them!! do i find it in finder (i looked in finder but cannot find it)


Answer by EmEssExx
tell us your cell phone and what type of music there is and where you place them and where your phone is plugged in and the type of plug and the memory. then someone will help

Know better? Place your own answer in the comments!

and I business the finder asumes his identity…….soud familiar?? What is the name of this film

Answer by Jami M
ya did you steal it?

Answer by Buck2000
I didn’t watch it. I didn’t reckon I may maybe stand the excitement and horror of a man losing his cell phone.

Answer by the whip and the body
one missed call

Answer by jennifermanfield
guess he wont be calling you anymore lol =)

Answer by kat_grrl
It had Hugh Jackman, Michelle Williams, and Ewan McGregor in it. It was called Deception. It was about Hugh losing his cell phone, which was placed right next to Ewan’s, and they picked up each additional’s phones. It lead Ewan into a crazy unknown world of power and right into Michelle’s arms. Too terrible Hugh had plans of keeping his life a secret….

Know better? Place your own answer in the comments!
Fox’s new fall schedule pivots around “The X Business”
The folks at Fox map they’ve got “The X Business” that will carry them to new heights of success. Heck, they’re all but giddy over the prospect of adding Simon Cowell’s singing competition show to their fall schedule.
Read more on The Salt Lake Tribune be your own private eye, cell phone locator
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