Thứ Tư, 18 tháng 5, 2011

Does anyone know the Do Not Call phone number, to get my home phone off the list for sales people?

Does anyone know the Do Not Call phone number, to get my home phone off the list for sales people?

My phone rings constantly with these telemarketers, they call me at 5 am and up until 10 pm, dinner time is a constant, at least 4 to 6 calls when it’s time to sit and eat. My kids are fed up, I’m fed up, I can’t see the phone number without my glasses, which I never have on when they call, so I’m constantly running to the phone thinking my kids are calling me, or work or maybe even a friend, but it’s a telemarketer al the time. Don’t these people understand that if we wanted to buy something we would look them up and call them? Who needs someone calling you to sell you something you have no intention of buying, who is paying these annoying people to bother hard working, tired people with phone calls all day? If you know the phone number for the DO NOT CALL LIST for both home and cell phone numbers, please let me have them, I’m in dire need!!! Thank you ahead of time. My phone is ringing right now, with an Unknown Name and number, while I’m typing this, can you believe this CR-P!

Answer by Jennie A

Answer by Claire Doll
1-888-382-1222 or (both are from the Federal Trade Commission).

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Answer by maamu
Just google “national do not call registry” you can sign up online

Answer by djc11571 is the National Do Not Call Registry. You can register your phone numbers here.

Answer by roy_glen2003
Try the net.

Answer by Izzy
click on the link
enter your phone
number and hit submit

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Addicted to technology?
Are you hooked on your cell phone? How many phone numbers can you dial without the help of your “contacts” list? When you look at your friends do you think they could make it without their cell phones?
Read more on WINK TV Southwest Florida

Transcript by BY ALEXANDRA OLGIN You’re watching multisource US news analysis from Newsy Cell phone usage is so widespread today you can reach pretty much anyone, anywhere at anytime — even from prison. “In California’s prisons authorities keep finding more contraband phones. 10000 last year. Murder cult leader Charles Manson got his second. Another 1100 last month alone. Some tossed over the prison wall and some hidden where, well, only a body scan could find it.” (KNSD) But after suspicion inmates are organizing crimes with smuggled cell phones – state officials are seeking solutions. A New York Times article published in January likens smartphones in jail to “the modern-day file inside a cake.” President Obama signed a law in August making it illegal to possess, use or smuggle cell phones into federal prisons, but the law says nothing about state prisons. “So now not only do they want to try to amp up how people are punished in terms of smuggling them, they also want to try to see what they can do to the prisoners when they are in possession of the cell phones.” According to the LA Times, the most common source of smuggled phones are prison employees — largely because they do not have to pass through metal detectors when they enter work. But the Times’ Jack Dolan reports — the prison guards union could make reform difficult — and expensive. “… [Union officials] cite a work requirement that corrections officers be paid for ‘walk time’ — the minutes
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