Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 5, 2011

Arizona Immigrantion Law.......hypothetical question for supporters of this law?

Arizona Immigrantion Law.......hypothetical question for supporters of this law?
Take a look at that picture……
hey guess what,,,,,WITH the new law in Arizona takign effect in a few months…you now have the right to pick up your precious cell phone,,,dial 911 and question for a police man to stop by home depot and question a bunch of brown public whether they are legal or not.
Doesn’t that sound like a perk for life an Arizonian???? you now can apparent brown public away…the same brown public who helped that state grow to where it is today/
I’ve never seen so many narrowminded republicans in my life.
The fact that now you racists can call your community cops and demand that they get over there and deport them doesn’t at all sound incorrect…it doesn’t matter if they are illegal or not….its the fact that brown skinned public are life targeted because the way the look……imagine if the indians had the power to round up every pale face the send them back to europe…wouldn’t that be a huge uproar,,why? becuase you are nativist…this it not your belonged to us and native americans…we just want it back really..someday the southwest will be 100% latino

Answer by michy
if they are illegal the law is the law

Answer by og
You can’t apparent away the legal public …. just the illegals.

Answer by mammu
Only brown public reckon the new law will effect only brown public. Maybe brown public need to stop life so self centered, racist and conceded.

Answer by liberalssuckass21
i wish it were a perk for us oregonians too

Answer by ♥™
The Arizona Racist Law is pathetic and hopefully doesn’t last very long.

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okay i had this guys phone number that i use to work with with i did my 12 week inter ship and we both fin shed our inter ships in april and after that i gave him my number and he gave me his house Number because his cell phone is not on and even if this guy never calls me but i call him and we talk on the phone for an hour and every time when we fin sh talking to each additional on the Phone he always wants me to call him back the day but i never do because he never calls me and i just got a new job at home depot and for the past two weeks i’ve been trying to call him because i finally was go in to question him to hang out but he’s never home i called him monday he was sleeping and i called him on wednesday he wasn’t home and i called him days gone by and some body was on the additional line but didn’t click over and there the problems which gets me confused okay all this time since april i had his phone number i called him a few times and he said that he was going to call me back but he never did and every time i call his house and his mother answers the phone and says that he’s not home i never say who i am so im just wondering is that the reason why he didn’t call me because i never say who i am or is it because no body never tells him that i called him so i don’t know if he’s interested in life my friend or not ?

Answer by george
If he was interested he would have called you…
Forget about it and do not pay attention to this situations

Answer by Michael
It certainly sounds like you get along. He might be going through a busy patch, at the moment, but the fact he never rings you back suggests he isn’t that interested in it life anything more than friendship. Next time you get through to him just question (in a friendly, unassuming manner, so he doesn’t take it terribly) why he never calls you (you may maybe say it like “sorry i haven’t spoken to you in ages but you’re busy when I call, and you never call back so…….)

Answer by cam can help
Here’s the business – for any type of relationship: It needs to be mutual. If yo find yourself always initiating, you will get resentful. When it’s a give and take, and not always a give and give, things work better and they just feel right all the time….make sense?

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Excellent Words (May 14)
Community Service Day a success at Cheldelin
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