Thứ Tư, 18 tháng 5, 2011

What Are All The Different Types Of Cell Phones?...?

What Are All The Different Types Of Cell Phones?...?

I Mean Like What Are The Different Types For Example A Flip Phone,Slide phone,Camera phone. When u guys r writing the different types incluse thos 3!! thnx!

Answer by !PeachesNCream!
flip phone
camera phone
slide phone
keyboard phone
touch screen
keyboard w/ touch screen
and i reckon thats about all

Add your own answer in the comments!

I alwyas wondered????

Answer by emmaline
Really expensive phones like Blackberries and stuff probably

What do you reckon? Answer below!
You Bug Me. Now Science Clarifies Why.
In their new book, Annoying: The Science Of What Bugs Us , NPR Science Correspondent Joe Palca and Science Friday ‘s Flora Lichtman set out to examine why certain things — and public — drive us bananas.
Read more on NPR

In addition to the Radio Frequency (RF) electromagnetic radiation (EMR) emitted from Cellphones there are also Low Frequency Electric and Attractive fields which are emitted from the cellphone during transmission. In this clip we will try to show the rough levels of extrema low frequency (ELF) Electric and Attractive fields from several G2 phones. As you can see these levels are not low and should not be ignored.

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