Thứ Năm, 9 tháng 6, 2011

is it possible for foreign governments to confiscate cell phones from contractors?

is it possible for foreign governments to confiscate cell phones from contractors?

my bf says he cant call me when on his 1-2 week business trips b/c the governments in south america confiscate his cell phone. Is there any way this is actually possible?

Answer by Crazy Jay
Their laws.

Answer by laughter_every_day
yes it is posssible. Whether it is true is another question.

Answer by Hrēodbēorð
The law enforcement apparatus of a sovereign government can do whatever the country’s laws allow, although it sounds like a dubious, convenient excuse of your boyfriend’s to me.

Answer by Don
Your bf is totally duping you….

Answer by Cultural Insight
I am aware of no country in South America that confiscates cell phones. Frankly, I am aware of no country on Earth that confiscates cell phones. Why would they? Makes no sense.

Your boyfriend is lying to you. He probably has a wife or girlfriend that he is staying with right now and he doesn’t want you bothering him with phone calls.

Give your answer to this question below!

The White House
government cell phones

Image by cliff1066™
Cell phone photo of the inside of the Executive Office Building

We are in debt worse than ever and can’t come up with a balanced budget and haven’t in many, many years. So why are we broke yet our poor have cell phones courtesy of the government? Since when did cell phones become a right and not a privilege? Welfare should be looked at as “what would you give your kids if you were broke” of course you would give them food, money for cloths and basic living, but would you buy them cell phones?

Answer by Reality has a Liberal Bias
Link? Source? FOS?

Answer by homertime
because some of them vote

Answer by dstr
Do you have a source that shows the government is buying cell phones for welfare recipients?

Why is it Republicans always turn on poor people for all their answers to budget problems? What about our bloated and obscene amount of money we spend on the military industrial complex?

Answer by vinny_says_relax
I completely support drug testing for welfare recipients.

Answer by Rob
So they can get latest location of new $ 200 sneakers on sale

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Cell phone radiation: A self-defense guide (FAQ)
For many people, it’s just not practical or realistic to avoid cell phones altogether. And it may not be necessary, if you follow some of these suggestions for reducing your exposure.
Read more on CNET

It’s in your pocket: cell phone donations.(TECH BYTES): An article from: Campaigns & Elections

This digital document is an article from Campaigns & Elections, published by Thomson Gale on January 1, 2007. The length of the article is 685 words. The page length shown above is based on a typical 300-word page. The article is delivered in HTML format and is available in your Digital Locker immediately after purchase. You can view it with any web browser.

Citation Details
Title: It’s in your pocket: cell phone donations.(TECH BYTES)
Author: Theodora A. Blanchfield

List Price: $ 9.95

Price: $ 9.95

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton presses for Internet freedom, Apple announces subscription services for its App Store, and a report shows taxes on mobile phone bills vary quite a bit state to state.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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