Thứ Tư, 8 tháng 6, 2011

Cell phone companies in Australia?

Cell phone companies in Australia?

cell phone companies in usa
by RUD66

I’m from the USA and I’m moving to Sydney for school. I’m currently under contract with Sprint, but when I went into Sprint and questioned if they service Australia the girl couldn’t even answer my question! Does Sprint service Australia, and also what company would you recomment for the Sydney area!? I’ll be interested in an international plot so that I can talk to family and friends back home. Thank you!

Answer by Nebbykanezzar
I know that Sprint doesn’t have service in Australia (New Zealand, yes, Australia, no). I can’t really give you any recommendations, though, because I just visited Adelaide for a couple weeks and bought a Telstra prepaid phone. I don’t have experience with the others.

What do you reckon? Answer below!

De Lorean
cell phone companies in usa

Image by RUD66
Die De Lorean Motor Company (DMC) war das ehrgeizige Projekt einer Sportwagen-Herstellung des ehemaligen General-Motors-Vizepräsidenten John De Lorean, das 1975 gegründet wurde und 1980 im nordirischen Dunmurry damit begann, das einzige Serienmodell mit einer Karosserie aus rostfreiem Stahl herzustellen.

Die von Giorgetto Giugiaro gezeichnete Keilform und der matte Glanz der gebürsteten unlackierten Edelstahlkarosserie des Flügeltürers verliehen dem ersten und einzigen Modell „DeLorean DMC-12" eine moderne und einzigartige Erscheinung. Die Produktion musste allerdings bereits nach 18 Monaten und etwa 8600 hergestellten Fahrzeugen wieder eingestellt werden. Mit rund 1,3 Tonnen Gewicht und lediglich 97 kW (132 PS) in der Katalysator-Ausführung lag er weit hinter den Fahrleistungen und der Performance angepeilter Wettbewerber wie zum Beispiel der Corvette oder den Ferrari zurück. Vielen Kunden war das bei einem solch teuren Fahrzeug schlichtweg zu wenig, und sie wandten sich enttäuscht ab.

Das zurückhaltende Temperament lag nicht zuletzt an der ökonomisch sinnvollen, letzten Endes aber unglücklichen Entscheidung für den 2,8 Liter großen PRV-Sechszylinder-(V-Motor) mit Renault-Getriebe, der seine lange Karriere für die großen Limousinen von Peugeot, Renault und Volvo begonnen hatte. Der DMC-12 erreichte immerhin eine Höchstgeschwindigkeit von 200 km/h, was in Anbetracht der geringen Leistung überrascht und wohl von der aerodynamischen Keilform herrührt. Kurios war, dass der Tachometer des Wagens aufgrund damaliger amerikanischer Gesetze nur Geschwindigkeiten bis 85 mph (140 km/h) anzeigte. Dass der DMC-12 dennoch zur Legende wurde, verdankt er seinem Auftritt in der Kinofilm-Trilogie „Zurück in die Zukunft", durch den er zu spätem Ruhm gelangte. In diesem Streifen werkelte im Heck des Wagens zusätzlich zum behäbigen V6 (für den Film mit einem 5 l V8-Chevrolet-Motor modifiziert) ein fiktiver Atom-Elektroantrieb, der Energie für den „Flux-Kompensator" lieferte, der die Zeitreisen ermöglichte. Der im realen Leben gefloppte DMC-12 kam den Filmemachern Robert Zemeckis und Steven Spielberg gerade recht: Er war zu Beginn der Arbeiten an dem Film 1984 weltweit noch wenig bekannt, sah durch seine extrem flache Keilform und die Edelstahl-Oberfläche sehr futuristisch aus und war zudem günstig zu bekommen: Etliche Fahrzeuge standen noch auf Halde.

In einem der ersten CGI-Filmeffekte wurde das Auto für die Leinwand durch die von George Lucas gegründete Firma „Industrial Light and Magic" sogar zum Fliegen gebracht.

Mit dem Erfolg der Trilogie erlangte der De Lorean Kultstatus.

Was wondering, what cell phone company would be best for me? Verizon or AT&T as far as coverage? I am not looking for 3G everywhere n all that…Just which one would provide me the coverage I would need to call my company and driver administrator and customers on a fixed basis…

Basically the one with the largest voice coverage foot print between the two…Cause I need to make phone calls regularly (hands free Bluetooth of course), I looked at Virgin & Boost Mobile but they use Nextel IDEN network or Sprint CDMA Network and according to their coverage maps, in some states Nextel’s IDEN and Sprint’s CDMA provide NO COVERAGE at all…
So wouldn’t be a excellent business…
Was thinking of going with Honest Talk from Wal-Mart and get a phone of theirs that uses Verizon Network but it only uses Verizon’s 1X Network not 3G unless u get that one Samsung touch screen they used to sell…So its sorta down to this a prepaid company or AT&T prepaid service themselves or prepaid Verizon themselves or a prepaid company that uses the Verizon Network and gives me boundless talk text web & Boundless 411 (411) am I told is a fantastic feature when your a driver out on the road….

All up your sleeve I don’t care if I don’t get 3G (Cause if I get a phone using Verizon, their 1X network is quick enough for me), I just need which carrier will give me the LARGEST VOICE CALLING AREA in the USA, and if they happen to work in Canada sometimes for the same price or just a few cents per min, would be nice also….

Only ONE catch, it MUST be PREPAID (for now)…I need to make some excellent paychecks for a way to pay off some bills and build my credit back up to get a contract account with a major cell phone network…

Also if you have any information you’d like to share with me (soon to be a new driver) to better help prepare me, please let me know (fyi , no one here is gonna be able to talk me out of doing this even my family hasn’t been able to, so don’t try to go on saying “trucking is a excellent job, get a educated etc” It’s what I want to do and I am going to do it!


Answer by Andy Pandy
Question a phone company thats what THEY do!!!

Answer by Jason F
Unless you own your own truck then it will most likely be equipped with a satellite communication and tracking system. It is apt a requirement for all trucks to track Hours of Service. One of the most well known is by Qualcomm. Among the many features it has, you will communicate with your company and driver administrator through it. Some companies also enable email through it.

More than a handful of U.S. States already ban the use of a cell phone by a commercial driver, even with bluetooth. There is a pending rule by NHTSA to make it a Centralized law you cannot use a cell phone while driving period. That would include no bluetooth also. Proposed fines upwards of $ 2800 and suspension of CDL are among the suggested penalties. Most trucking companies also have it as a policy that you are not allowed to use a cell phone while driving.

If you pull into a extent and get caught with a cell phone that is within reach you likely will not have a very excellent day.

That life said I use both Verizon and AT&T for service. I know that AT&T has a prepaid service with no contract. Between the two of them there was hardly anywhere I did not have at least one of them working. AT&T worked in the most places.

AT&T already works globally – including Mexico and Canada. Canada is not cheap. Verizon is just starting to exchange their network so they are compatible globally.

Keep in mind that both Verizon and AT&T are upgrading their networks to the 4G/LTE services and increasing their coverage so what works today may exchange tomorrow.

Answer by Helpful Dan
Well from what I have heard Honest Talk only uses their latest phones on the AT&T network.

What do you reckon? Answer below!
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