Thứ Sáu, 25 tháng 3, 2011

What cell phone service providers do not require SIM cards?

What cell phone service providers do not require SIM cards?

I need to know what cell phone providers do not require SIM cards because I want a Blackberry and my cell phone provider is CricKet. They told me that if I can find a Blackberry phone that does not require a SIM card from any provider, that they can unlock the phone and set me up with service on the Blackberry. I need to know who requires a SIM card and who doesn’t. That way I can choose who I want to buy the phone from.

Answer by Collin16
verizon wireless, alltel, sprint and cricket do not use sim cards they are CDMA

at&t, cingular, and tmobile are GSM and they DO use sim cards

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Karimojong girl and baby Warid, born on the day her namesake cell phone service provider launched in Karamoja
cell phone service providers

Image by The Advocacy Project
Photo by Courtney Chance, 2009 AP Fellow. House: Kotido, Uganda. Partner: CECORE/IANSA.

Governments can sell spectrum for companies to use. Why do companies like cell phone providers need this spectrum for exactly? And why are they willing to pay so much for it?

Answer by Zach V
They use them for their cell phones.

They pay so much for it because there is so small possible frequencies and such high demand that they are elemental forced to pay huge sums of money for them.

Answer by Chicken Small
If you’re going to place something in a particular piece of air, and have it received, then you have to have it place there when no one else is by it. Export the rights to a particular piece of air means that nobody else can legally use it; if they DO use it without your permission, then they can be fined, or even have their equipment confiscated. This is right for everybody from ham radio operators to cell phone companies to TV stations. The money is made back by the companies by “promotion” the air extremely for a small time to millions of customers. They’re willing to pay a lot of money because it’s competent of MAKING a lot of money – basic economics.

Add your own answer in the comments!
Cell tower could be built at town of Ulster trash site
TOWN OF ULSTER — The Town Board has approved a "question for for proposals" to build a cell phone tower on the town-owned transfer station property on Frank Sottile Boulevard.
Read more on Kingston Daily Freeman

Choose a cellular phone service provider by examining coverage area, plot costs, phone selection and available special features. Check the Web sites of cell phone providers to determine the best plot with advice from a cell phone salesman in this free video on cellular phones.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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