Thứ Ba, 29 tháng 3, 2011

Where Can I Sell My Old Sell Cell Phones For Cash In San Francsico!?

Where Can I Sell My Old Sell Cell Phones For Cash In San Francsico!?

Does Anyone know everywhere i can sell my ancient phones for cash in San Francsico that well pay the maximum price of the phone! I have two broke lcd phones!

Answer by skymodog
craigslist, ebay, or pawn shop

Answer by Travis
Unfortunately I reckon broken LCD phones have very small value. You could try somewhere like or just recycle them at

What do you reckon? Answer below!

My cell phone was stolen so I called this house that buys cell phones for cash. I questioned them if they checked the serial digit on the phone to see whether or not it was stolen before export the phone. The guy told me they still buy the phone if it is stolen, and they re-sell the phone as “flashable.” Is this illegal?

Answer by capwest5a
Yes, that indeed is illegal, but as you have learned, it happens all the time. Cops have more on their hands to do than worrying about stolen cell phones.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

SMS Cellular Cash

We didn’t want to admit it at first… we didn’t want it to happen to be honest… but now… IT REALLY IS HERE! What is it? The mobile era… Actual human conversations are over as we know it. Dead and buried…

List Price: $ 4.00


Buy and sell electronics and sell cell phones at Sell your ancient electronics for cash and recycle electronics. Free shipping. For further information of Buy, sell, recycle ancient electronics, visit,
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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