Thứ Năm, 31 tháng 3, 2011

where can I do a free reverse cell phone number directory?

where can I do a free reverse cell phone number directory?

Answer by bubbles
I dont reckon you can do it for free

Answer by amir t

Give your answer to this question below!

Are there any free sites, such as white pages, on the net that you can type in a persons name and or take up and find out a cell phone digit?

Answer by LeRoy P
No there should not be ,it would not be safe.for people.

Answer by Gary P. Thompson
Cellular phone facts are not available in any public phone directory because they are protected by privacy laws.

Though you can still lookup someones cell phone digit through a data broker site like but you have to pay a small fee

Answer by DrIG
As far as I know there are not any cell phone directories available to the general public./

What do you reckon? Answer below!
HTC promotes directory and cell phone recycling effort
MYRTLE BEACH, SC - HTC is partnering with the Horry County Solid Waste Authority, Wendy's, Burroughs & Chapin and Auntie Anne's for the 2011 directory and cell phone recycling program, now through May 2, 2011.
Read more on Florence Morning News Lookup up any cell phone digit to find a name and take up. Reverse cell phone lookup also has unlisted land-line and unpublished land line
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