Thứ Hai, 28 tháng 3, 2011

Where can I get free cell phone ringtones?

Where can I get free cell phone ringtones?

Carrier: Verizon Wireless.
I need some help with finding out how to get free ringtones. Help would be appreciated

Answer by Kiiiiller Kayla<3

Answer by SunShine

Answer by Aiden
use the Ventones site

sign up and its really free

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Nokia advertisement
free cell phone ringtones

Image by przemion 
New advertisement from Nokia, pretty cool. It’s on the bus stop. If you want to get a new ringtone, which in this case is one song from "Kane", you must just switch on infrared in your cell phone to get a free ringtone. :-)

does any1 know of a site/way to get for myself free ringtones of my choice with out paying a fee. If you can tell me that would be fantastic

Answer by music

they have millions of free ringtones

or you can upload and make your own ringtones for free.

You can make the ringtones from MP3 files. There is nothing like it.

and you can make animations and graphics

Answer by don
they have free ones and you can also make your own.

Add your own answer in the comments!

This was my first video..delight comment ..This video will show you how to get free ringtones on LET EVERYONE KNOW WHICH RINGTONE YOU LIKE AND WHICH ONES YOU HATE

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