Thứ Bảy, 26 tháng 3, 2011

What are some good low cost cell phone plans?

What are some good low cost cell phone plans?

“Basic plans will have 400minutes anytime and unlimited night and weekends for less than $ 30″. Is that right, somebody else said it and I am quoting them. Everywhere is there a basic plot for around $ 30/mo? I found a cell phone plot for $ 28/mo but I reckon the coverage is only in my city, I don’t like the signal of that.

Answer by Z-Cat
For Texas its Cellular 1

Answer by indiancheef
all-tell is excellent for texas…it has fantastic coverage and is cheap….
i have cingular and i live near dallas….
i am plotting to shift to all-tell in a small while….

Answer by dominique g
my sell i have unlimited min for 10 59

Answer by Cutter
29.99 plans generally have NO minutes to use. I reckon they ususlly have 100 minutes or something like that. only if you rarely use a phone or have one simply to use in case of emergency do you get those plans. I have spring honest and flexble for 39.99/month. 400 minutes, nights/weekends free and bights start at 7pm, whereas everyone else starts at 9pm. if you manage to go over your minutes for the month, sprint adds an additional 50 minutes for 5 bucks to save you from overage fees. really nice plot. cingular with their rollover plot is okay too, but I say go with sprint. tmobile has a monthly plot of 39.99 for 1000minutes a month. I believe that is only for local area only though. my sprint plot is nationally.

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Why question technological correctness? (Progress is complicated, and is a subjective term)
low cost cell phone plans

Image by G A R N E T
The ubiquity of computing and the rapidly increasing capabilities of microprocessors and consumer electronics have made an explosion of obsolete media technologies in contemporary culture. In the United States, about 400 million units of consumer electronics are discarded each year. Electronic waste, like obsolete cellular telephones, computers, monitors, and televisions, compose the fastest growing part of waste in American society. Additionally, the FCC-mandated transition to digital television in February 2009 will accelerate this trend of obsolescence, with consumers expected to discard large facts of ancient analog televisions that are not competent of receiving digital-only signals. The federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that two-thirds of all discarded consumer electronics still work. As a result of rapid technology change, low initial cost and plotted obsolescence, approximately 250 million functioning TVs, VCRs, cell phones, computers and monitors are discarded each year in the United States.

I’m trying to buy my first cell phone. I’m trying to find a phone with a plot that has free texting, and a pay of $ 20.00-$ 25.00 or less a month. Any prepaid phone plans like this would be fine. Any thoughts out there?

Answer by slcrisp38
if your looking for a prepaid, go to wal-mart or K-mart and pick out one there from a company.
(an alltel, verizon, ATT, etc. prepaid)
and bring it to the company to get it activated
a cheap phone, then get a low monthly contract

-see my new question!-

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Internet Entrepreneur Bypasses High-Tech For Low-Priced With FreePhone2Phone
NEW YORK — The facts that fill Warner Johnson’s head shake him from sleep most nights.
Read more on The Huffington Post

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