Thứ Bảy, 26 tháng 3, 2011

How do I find out the password for my voicemail on my Nextel cell phone?

How do I find out the password for my voicemail on my Nextel cell phone?

I cant remember what my password is for my voice mail on my cell phone. Is there an simple way to retrieve it or do I have to call Nextel?

Answer by ThisIsMeNotYou
This happened to me, I had to call to reset it. Resetting it made me lose my messages, but I am not sure if that is always the case. Just dial 611 and they can handle it for you.

Answer by Jayson Z
You can call customer service to retreive your password. Sometimes they can give you your current one. If not they will have to reset and you will lose your messages. If the first person you talk to insists they have to reset it, I would call back at least once more, to get someone new who may help a small better. Excellent luck

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I want to start by boost mobile because it’s cheaper but their phone selection is garbage. Is it any nextel phone you can switch the sim card with?

Answer by AVDADDY
Question Nextel. I bet they have the most accurate answer.

Answer by Mobile Mike
Boost sims can be used in all Nextel phones made by Motorola that has an i and three facts like the i930, i730, etc.

It will also work in many grown-up Nextels with an i and two facts like the i50sx , i90 , etc.

The grown-up models will not be able to read your entire sim though and may not provide phone contacts.

Boost sims also work in Nextel Blackberries. But you only get talk and walkie talkie.

Nextel phones may have some limitations like text in certain models but talk and walkie talkie nearly always work.

What do you reckon? Answer below!

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