Chủ Nhật, 27 tháng 3, 2011

Where to get a new telus cell phone that's cheaper than in the store ?

Where to get a new telus cell phone that's cheaper than in the store ?

Hi I’m looking to buy a new cell phone but I don’t want to pay over $ 100 – $ 150 is there somewhere that I can buy one everywhere its cheaper than in the store ?
*I’m with telus
*It can be refurbished, it doesn’t matter.
*I like the slide ones.

Answer by Lulu
only telus can sell telus.. or other cell phone stores that sell everyones stuff. Either way there is no “discount” store yet.. When you find one let me know! haha.

Try craigslist, just make sure it is a telus phone, or any other phone that is “unlocked”.

Give your answer to this question below!

Motorola Milestone (Telus Mobility)
telus cell phone

Image by Michael Kwan (Freelancer) – Checking out the new Motorola Milestone Google Android smartphone from Telus Mobility.

I have a Telus prepaid LG keybo and im wondering if i can trade it in for a newer phone?

Answer by Cathrine Korzybski
You need be alert when going to trade in your ride to a dealer. If you are not sure of what your car is worth then you can be at a disadvantage.

Dont be suprised if a dealer makes a terrible offer. It’s really simple to get a estimate at a website to see how much your car is going to fetch. I have recommended – Excellent luck.

Answer by telusguy
None of the Canadian providers offer trade-ins.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
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AJAX — Police are looking for two suspects after an armed robbery at an Ajax cell phone store Saturday morning. The incident happened at about 10:40 a.m. on March 19 at the Telus store…
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Cell phone fees : Telus and Bell

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