Thứ Tư, 1 tháng 6, 2011

What type of multiplexing is used in CDMA cell phones?

What type of multiplexing is used in CDMA cell phones?

Answer by conradj213
CDMA is the mutiplexing technology. CDMA stands for code division multiple access. I won’t even pretend to understand how it works. However, Wikipedia can help you out,

Answer by Nick Nguyen
Spread spectrum multiplexing. Essentially each signal has a code attached to it, and the signals skip frequencies pseudo randomly over the course of a call. The advantage of CDMA is its security and the ability to handle data for a given frequency bandwidth.

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Samsung CDMA Phone
cdma cell phones

Image by jurvetson
With metal coated partitions for interference shielding.

What component of a cellular phone makes them work on the different format? I know verizon (a CDMA network) and Edge (a GSM network) sell the same model of phone so what is different in these phones that makes them work of the different network. Could the CDMA component (possibly sim card?) be put in a phone that is exclusively sold by a GSM network? Would the software be messed up or would the same software possibly work??

Answer by hermanhurthishead
The chipset they use. That’s why Motorola can be pretty decent on a GSM carrier, but horrible on a CDMA carrier

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
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