Thứ Tư, 1 tháng 6, 2011

Can I buy a cell phone/plan because My parents are deceased I am 17 in ROTC and gainfully employed?

Can I buy a cell phone/plan because My parents are deceased I am 17 in ROTC and gainfully employed?

buy cell phone plan
by -kÇ-

I have no parental guardians but I have a stable job and am a month from my 18th birthday…what should I do?

Answer by Regi-[regu]
go to the store and see if they let you..if not then a month is certainly not a long time to wait

Answer by toytoyg1
you can get a pay as you go phone or you can get a 18 year ancient friend to co sign for you.

Answer by Kate
I would just do a verizon Pay As You Go until you turn 18. There are cards you can buy to “Top Up.” Some PAYG phones can even switch into a plot phone with a SIM card (so i’ve heard)

Know better? Place your own answer in the comments!

Saturday Folding @ the Library
buy cell phone plan

Image by EricGjerde
I like to go to the community library on Saturdays, and spend some silent time folding in a study room. There’s a huge table, it’s air conditioned, and there are very few public. Reasonably relaxing.

Today I was working on precreasing some paper, and thinking about some different thoughts that I need to document more fully. More on that later, though.

See the notes for identification, if you’re interested!

My dad said we have to pay for the first month of service when I start the plot and buy the phone……I am wanting to start a plot with T-Mobile, buying the new Sidekick Lx

Answer by justforthisonepost
If you only qualify for a FlexPay account you will have to pay the first month’s charge up front. Otherwise, the first month will be billed to you. You will have to pay for the phone up front regardless of what type plot you get.

Answer by walkerhound03
No all you have to pay for is the phone and a deposit if you don’t have excellent credit. Then in a month they will send you a bill with your charges and for the first month there will be a one time fee of $ 35 per line for background up the account.

Answer by notun
it depends:
- if you sign a contract then you just pay for the phone and monthly bill at the end of the month
- if you choose to get the “flexpay” then you pay both at the beginning of the month.

Answer by Michael M
you always payy one month in advance
I am with a cell company as an employee

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Lady Gaga Sells Latest Album Everywhere, And For Cheap
Ann Powers says the 99 cents Amazon charged for Born This Way helps Gaga’s “plot to dominate well loved culture.”
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