Thứ Tư, 8 tháng 6, 2011

How can I call this International cell phone number?

How can I call this International cell phone number?

It is a Korean cell phone number in the format 010XXXXXXXX, and I want to know methods that would make this call successful, because I tried VoIP, which allows you to call globally for free for a few seconds, but it would not allow this number to go through. What is my conundrum? Thank you so much

Answer by Eric
I’m assuming it is South Korea…….

Calling South Korea from the United States clarified:

Question a question011 – US exit code; must be dialed first for all international calls made from the USA or Canada
82 – country code for South Korea
area code – 1 digit for the capital Seoul and 2 digits for all additional areas
phone number – 7 – 8 digits; area code followed by number whole 9 digits in most cases
Area Codes:Ansan 31 Iksan 63 Posong 61
Anyang 31 Inchon 32 Pusan 51
Changwon 55 Koyang 31 Pyongtaek 31
Cheju 64 Kumi 54 Songnam 31
Chongju 43 Kunsan 63 Seoul 2
Chonju 63 Kwangju 62 Suwon 31
Chonan 41 Kwangyang 61 Taegu 53
Chinju 55 Masan 55 Taejon 42
Chunchon 33 Mokpo 61 Ulchin 54
Dangjin 41 Pohang 54 Wonju 33
How to dial to South Korea cellular:for calls to a cell phone dial: 011 + 82 + 1???? ????(?)

Add your own answer in the comments!

international cell phone

Image by chutney
International Talk Like a Reproduce Day

Rights groups want international court to probe Syria
A delegation of creature rights organizations and their lawyers Tuesday accused the Syrian government of committing crimes against humanity at the International Criminal Court in the Netherlands, according to a statement unrestricted by the group.
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There are a few videos on the net but why is it so vital to know your IMEI (International Mobile Gear Identity) If you buy a 2nd hand phone make sure the number is not on the register of blocked numbers. Here are a couple of ways of getting your IMEI number. Oh you can see me in the screen!
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