What new cell phones are like the Razr for Verizon?
My Razr died and I just want a flip phone that’s as thin as it was. I’ve got Verizon. Anyone know of a new phone that’s like the Razr?
Answer by dmx2901_1999
Most motorola phones look like the razr, get a slither. There’s a whole bunch and the all look alike.
Answer by bill k
Try the LG Chocolate
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new cell phone #3308
Image by Nemo’s fantastic uncle
I am about to go for a new cell phone and want to know if I need to hold a new blue tooth headset.
Answer by Ryan
no the ancient one’s work with the new cells
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Emergency notification now available for cell and VoIP phones
BILLINGS- The City of Billings and Yellowstone County announce that emergency notification is now available for cell and VoIP phones.
Read more on KTVQ Billings
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