Chủ Nhật, 5 tháng 6, 2011

How should I approach women at work. I'm a security gaurd at a cell phone shop.?

How should I approach women at work. I'm a security gaurd at a cell phone shop.?

My job is dull, but I see cute women come through all day (mostly hispanics). I see some alright women, cute women and rarely fine women (black). Advice on approaching these women, even though they’re just coming to their bills lol. I don’t want to come off as a guy who thinks cause he’s security he should holla at women.

Answer by RumRunners
You should not deal with customers at work. you can lose your job if one takes offense and calls your boss.

Answer by Bob
Be friendly and smile a lot that should work.

Answer by Gurt
Do you really have to “deal with women at work”? Just let them deal with you or deal with women outside of work.

Answer by Sally
Do not deal with women at work, for dating purposes, if you see them on your breaks, that’s different, but not in your store, that’s creepy.

Answer by Baybes
smh security guard bhwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. im a terrible hispanic chic & would take you as a joke.

Know better? Place your own answer in the comments!

I am with T-Mobile and I want this phone:

Any additional excellent recommendations?

Answer by ▓▒░Ich Bin Nicht German░▒▓
hahahahahahaha…. I dunno… I don’t know what additional phones there are with T-Mobile… When do you get your phone??? hahahahahaha

Let’s go with a sidekick!!! HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!! I really wouldn’t even want one of persons, they’re HUGE!!!lolololololol……..

What do you reckon? Answer below!
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