What is your opinion for cell phones in school ?
by karindalziel
i mean what do you reckon about, students have cell phones in school. My english isn’t so excellent…
Answer by Mensan
Most schools allow cell phones provided they are turned off during school hours. The reasoning behind this it that when the Columbine HS shooting occurred, a student called police using a cell phone, so for your protection they allow them.
Answer by dontkno
of course what if theres an emergency ?
Answer by feelinliketanto
Cell phones are okay as long as they are not used during class. many school districts do not allow cell phone treatment while on campus except in emergency situations.
I allow my daughter to use her phone while at school, I trust her to be responsible and also told her that if she was caught using it irresponsibly by staff that I would take her phone away permanently.
Answer by Josh H
I’m 13. I reckon cell phones should be allowed in school, but to a certain extent. I reckon while the teacher is teaching the lesson cell phones need to be place away and on vibrate. But when the teacher allows time to do homework in class, they should be allowed. And how will we cheat on homework? its not like we cant go home and text answers there any.
So Cell phones should be allowed:
While dying homework in class
Locker Room
Lunch Room
While the teacher is teaching
Tests, quizzes
Assesment tests (MEAP, ACT, PSAT, SAT ect.)
I also reckon that we should be allowed to text while the teacher is teaching, because its our choice if we want to listen or not. So its our fault if we dont listen, and the teacher should use the NO REPEATS policy.
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I already have 2 reasons.
- Distraction to school work
- Cheating
Does anyone have any additional thoughts that may work? I don’t need the pro’s of why we SHOULD have cell phones at school. It’s for a school debate.
Answer by WhoKnowzwhatT
well cellphones dont let you pay attention so its like whats the point of going to skool…also for cheating and for safety
Answer by arklatexrat
*Here’s a excellent one–there have been cases where kids took nasty pictures of additional kids undressing in the locker room and then posted them on myspace or youtube or something.
*This is extreme, but cell phones can be used as trigger devices for bombs by terrorists, so I suppose it’s possible that a kid may maybe go “Columbine” and use that as a weapon somehow.
*Liability to the school in case of theft. This really happened to my daughter—she knew she wasn’t supposed to have her phone @ school, but had a dance afterward & was plotting on going home w/a friend after that, so she turned it off & took it so she may maybe call me to pick her up later. She left it in her backpack outside the dance & it got stolen, but since she wasn’t even supposed to have it she couldn’t report it to the school or anything. It’s just one more business for schools to have to help irresponsible kids keep up with that they shouldn’t have to fool with.
*When you talk about cheating, be sure to mention that they can use a camera phone to take pictures of the test (or study notes from home) and use that to sell the test to another period or cheat. They also txt message each additional to get answers.
Excellent luck!
Answer by dizzy
Can you imagine 20 or more cell phones ringing in class? Can you imagine 20 students talking on the phone while a teacher is trying to teach a class? It would be a constant disruption to students and teachers. I never even thought of cheating, but yes a excellent possibility.
Answer by sierra
- students can text each additional during class telling ansers to quizes and stuff
- they will not be paying attention in calss, and may miss a lesson if they are texting during class
btw some schools allow phones in school in their locker or if they are on silent
Answer by deirdrezz
It is one more item that can be stolen. Also, the phones with cameras on them have been used to take inappropriate pictures in locker rooms.
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Distracted driving causes rise in state's fatal wrecks
A senior at Tri-Valley High School, 17-year-ancient Kyle Benedetto is vocal about life in a car with someone who texts while driving.
Read more on The Pantagraph
www.emfnews.org www.emfnews.org www.emfnews.org The School Board’s position on cell phone and wireless computer treatment inside my kids’ school is: Hey, we just follow what Health Canada says! And Health Canada says there is no possibility of danger from radio frequency microwave radiation. Huh. So here’s what I reckon of that: Currently, Health Canada maintains that 1000 mw/cm2 is a safe exposure level for public places. So how come Russia has set its safety level at 10 mw/cm2 (microwatts per centimetre squared) and many European countries have set their microwave radiation safety levels at .10 mw/cm2? Clearly someone is life unduly influenced by industry here… Many schools have a “no cell phone on school grounds” policy. Unfortunately, ongoing, they are relying on children to police themselves — and we all know how reliable that is! My son informs me that a boy in his grade 4 class has received a cell phone as a gift from his Dad, which he carries around in his pocket — turned on — so that he can send and receive text messages from his Dad. The teachers have no thought the cell phone is turned on, or that he is texting behind his desk. And here’s the conundrum with that: “The body of available research indicates that operation of a nearby portable cellular telephone will expose a non-user to radiation, some of which will be deposited into the brain of the non-user at levels higher than necessary to elicit undesirable biological effects even though the phone may be more …
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