Thứ Bảy, 4 tháng 6, 2011

How do you send a message to a cell phone by email or IM?

How do you send a message to a cell phone by email or IM?

I want to message someone on their cell phone, (kind of like a txt message) by sending it by email! I know you can do it i just don’t know how!!! Please help!!!

Answer by JackSparrow2
It would have helped a lot if you told us the type of phone you are using, which country you are from and the network you are using.
But anyway, using the email and IM features of your phone is quite easy. All you need to do is:
1. Make sure you got GPRS enabled on your handset by getting the settings from your service provider.
2. Enable POP or IMAP on your email account. For gmail it is FREE but for yahoo it aint.
3. If you are using a Nokia open the email application that comes with your phone and create an account using the wizard.
4. Select your email provider eg yahoo and just enter your email address and password. Dont mess with the preset settings such as port number.
5. After saving your account you are good to go! You can send, check and read emails.

If this doesnt work for you, you can download the Yahoo Go application or the Gmail application which makes it a whole lot easier.

For IM i really can’t help you but there are some cool applications you can download on your phone which allow chatting and instant messaging. Try these applications, they are free to download at . Reporo, mig33, eqo.
If you need any more help email me at

Answer by Bama Gurl
if u have the yahoo mail beta verizon u can send a text message to their phones through ur email when u go to new message in the upper right corner u will see 3 buttons click on the one that looks like a cell phone and put in the persons cell phone number and it will send it as a text message there u will also be able to text back and forth through there.

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Snow outside my Brooklyn window
how to email a cell phone

Image by JeffreyPutman
This message has been sent using the picture and Video service from Verizon Wireless!

To learn how you can snap pictures and capture videos with your wireless phone visit

Note: To play video messages sent to email, Quicktime@ 6.5 or higher is required.

Cingular email address for cell phones.

Answer by Wireless Guy

might have changed with the AT&T change this week, but doubt it. There is also a web interface I think one can use if they are a cingular sub

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Read more on Pine Creek Journal

BMW ConnectedDrive is the next-generation of BMW iDrive car-control system. The system connects to a BlackBerry smartphone over Bluetooth and places all text messages and emails on the iDrive display. You can also make phone calls with the phone. If a phone number is placed inside a text or email message, the ConnectedDrive system recognizes the phone number format and allows you to call that number.
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