Thứ Bảy, 4 tháng 6, 2011

Upgrade cell phone then sell?

Upgrade cell phone then sell?

sell cell phones for cash
by guano

I want to buy a new phone but I do not have the cash flow. However, my phone is eligible for upgrade with 2 year contract (which I plan to sign on to). It occurred to me that I can renew my contract and receive a free phone, the upgraded one, then sell it on Ebay.

They are offering an AT&T Quickfire for free upon renewal. On Ebay, they sell for about $ 200, which is enough to buy the phone I desire.

Is there any problems with this? Is it illegal? I understand the phone will be locked to AT&T, but I will just sell it like that, with proper advertisement of course. Any problems with what I am considering?
Will it work on another AT&T sim, such as the one the hypothetical buyer would use?

Other phones available for upgrade: Blackberry Curve 8310, Samsung Eternity, Pantech Matrix, Samsung A787 Propel.

Answer by Rigo
This new phone, is it $ 200 UNSUBSIDIZED?

Because if you ditch the new phone you have, you will have to pay retail price for the new phone, and if it’s a decent one it possibily may be more than $ 200. Even the dumb phones they give for free are worth at least $ 120. Getting a smarter phone can easily go to $ 300-400+

Other than that, It’s not illegal. AT&T Doesn’t care what happens to the phone, as long as you are locked in your contract. Just be sure to keep your SIM to swap into the new phone. If it’s an AT&T branded phone you’re good to go. If it’s a t-mobile branded or an unbranded phone, it may require some unlocking or configuration.

Answer by Mimi06
if i were you, i would definetly not even consider buying that phone, even if your going to sell it. the quickfire had a callback as they were all defective products. they had some defect in the software. yeah, i know your gana sell it back, but what if something goes wrong and you end up having to keep it… and yes it is a good idea to upgrade to a new phone, and resell it and buy a better one, just dont do it with that crappy quickfire

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

its a nokia 6101 camera cell phone

Answer by Tommy

Answer by LightSkin
sure … if u know someone who wants to buy it …. What ya broke huh? Been there done that LOL good luck gettting lots of dough for it though …. PEacE

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