How do I get my cell phone battery to hold less of a charge in under 24 hours? (10 points!)?
I am going to go get my cell phone’s battery tested tomorrow because it has not been lasting very long and I have a one year warranty on it. I just want to be sure that they notice there is something incorrect with it. I have a verizon phone.
Answer by d4rkjed1
play music, place the light to the brightest one, turn on your bluetooth, get calls every after 30 min. that sounds like excellent to me.
Answer by free2rhyme2009
You may maybe follow d4rkjed1′s advice above, but the likelihood is too excellent that the tester will notice that stuff like the increased backlight and bluetooth life on.
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I bought a new battery for my LG cell phone from Alltel two days ago. The battery will only charge to half power. I had not used this phone in a few months, but I never had this conundrum before. What is going on?
Answer by imrational
The first time you use a cellphone battery, you should discharge it completely… use it until the phone shuts off.
Then fully charge the battery again and use it again until it fully depletes its charge. You need to do this a whole of three times.
This is how you get the best possible battery life.
You might have just gotten a terrible battery (it happens). Try and make an exchange, even if many supplies won’t with batteries.
Answer by cokewww
You have any a defective battery or a fault batter power indicator. Do you have another battery that you may maybe check to see that your batter power indicator can go all the way to full? If not, go back to the Alltel store and question if you may maybe get a replacement or to troubleshoot. Bring your receipt with you.
Answer by Livy
Try asking the LG Costumer Service about your cell and the battery. A lot of fake spare parts are sold these days.
Answer by firetdriver_99
the battery has formed a wall on it and will only chare so far, take and back so they can get you a new one or decharge the one you have.
Answer by Music man
As one of the additional public confirmed you should try to charge the phone overnight, to full charge at least 3 times to condition the battery. If it does not accept the charge after the THIRD attemp, any the battery, the phone, or perhaps your charger may be defective. If this is a new phone I would suggest taking it back to your provider.
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