Thứ Năm, 2 tháng 6, 2011

A good Cell Phone plan for a child?

A good Cell Phone plan for a child?

We want to get our 12 year ancient son a cell phone since he comes home from school and is by himself for a small while after school. We currently have Sprint for our phones – does anyone recomend any excellent plans, or should we just stick with Sprint?

Answer by dryankee30
Go for Verizon. Way better coverage and now if you buy one phone(cant remember which) you get 3 razors free with a plot

Answer by jayf1965
Personally I would recommend Cricket they have boundless community calling boundless text and picture messaging service for around fifty dollars a month. Disadvantages are, your limited to your community area. but they do have a flex bucket that you can add money too and you can use it where your community service don’t work. I would see there coverage are and see whether or not it will work for your needs. Another service is Disney I dint know much about it but the parent can alot
minutes and locate where they are and its all controlled by your pc. That’s the only thoughts I have fir this question..
here is alink to cricket.

Excellent luck..

Answer by musicianband
i dont know… cricket?

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4th Gen
good cell phone plans

Image by ambimb
Cell phones through the ages. On the left is my first phone, a Samsung from Sprint from about 2003. Next is the first Verizon phone I had, an LG. I just *had* to have a cameraphone! Then the Treo 700p, which was awesome two years ago just after it came out and when I thought I may maybe afford the data plot. W/o the data plot, it’s just kind of brick w/better than average calendar and contacts functions. Finally, the iPhone, the current hotness. I wonder what the next five years will bring….

Im 14 and Im looking to get my own cell phone. I know theres always Tracphone and GOphones and stuff but is there a better plot where I dont have to pay small by small?

Answer by makes1
i would say get a gophone because i have one and it saves me money but just dont go on the internet with it or it charges like 25¢ a small. (i use at&t) calls are .10/small and text .20/small and if you like to text dial 611 and order their messaging plot $ 5.00/200 text(incoming and outgoing) you can pay online $ 15.00 for a month $ 25 for 1/3 year $ 100 for 1 year

Know better? Place your own answer in the comments!
Trips with aging parents present joys, challenges
I was studying Georgia O’Keeffe’s abstractions, seduced by her pink-and-blue flowers and cloud fields, when my cell phone rang.
Read more on Erie Times-News

Part 1: *I DON’T OWN ANYTHING* All copyrights go to Disney When Bob confiscates Teddy’s cell phone after going over her texting limit and Teddy must pay the bill. So to pay it off Teddy takes a job working at an ocean-themed children’s party venue dressed as a sea creature. PJ continues to use Charlie as a girl magnet, but his plot backfires when his new crush only seems to be interested in Charlie. Meanwhile, Amy goes overboard involved a new record game in order to beat Gabe.
Record Rating: 4 / 5

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