Chủ Nhật, 5 tháng 6, 2011

Does The Cell-Phone give life "cell" unto the image (Euro) of the Beast (EU) so that it may speak (Phone)?

Does The Cell-Phone give life "cell" unto the image (Euro) of the Beast (EU) so that it may speak (Phone)?

From the Hebrew (kabbalah), Aramaic and Arabic (abjad) a “W” represents the number 6. The Arabic Numerals we use TODAY (0-9) assign value to position – disparate the Roman Numerals of yesteryear. Thus “W” in the 3rd position is 600, the 2nd is 60 and the 1st is 6 – 666 (Rev 13:18).

Reckon about it: A life known as Ba’alzebub (Beelzebub) – whose name literally earnings “LORD of the FLIES” made a World Wide Web like a spider – The Lord of the Flies.

The BEAST rising out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns (rev 13:1) is the G-7 (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom, and United States) and represents the meeting of the FINANCE MINISTERS from the seven "industrialized" nations – That cause "craft" (industry) to prosper (Dan. 8:25).

Upon his heads was the name of blasphemy (rev 13:1). THINK! If the "Majority" of the world is to be EVIL at the "end of times", then DEMOCRACY would mean that DEMOns are ruling! (Demon-crazy – Blasphemy).

The Beast is like unto a leopard (quick mobile military), and his feet were as the feet of a bear (quick to dig in and set up military bases), and his mouth as the mouth of a lion (roars or speaks as King of the Jungle or Leader (king) of the – free world (jungle)) rev 13:2. Why wouldn't he speak as King of the Jungle, power was agreed him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations – Leader of the free world (rev 13:7).

Germany is the Head that received a deadly wound in WWII – And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. (rev 13:3). The healing of this wound was the destruction of the Berlin Wall representing the removal of a "Bandage" on 11/9/1989 – AS ALL THE WORLD WATCHED.

Who is like unto the beast (G-7)? who is able to make war with him? (rev 13:4) Whom maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men (televised Airstrikes – Missiles/Bombs) rev 13:13. The G-7 was Formed in 1976, when Canada, joined the additional six nations – and power was agreed unto him to continue forty and two months – 42 years – until 2018 (rev 13:5) – much happens before then so be vigilant.

The 4 European G-7 nations (France, Germany, Italy, and the United Kingdom) plus 23 additional European Nations, belong to the European Union (EU) – The Second Beast (rev 13:11-13) – who exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him (rev 13:12). The EU like the G-7 deals with FINANCES.

The second Beast, the EU, says to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast (G-7), which had the wound by a sword, and did live (rev 13:14). The BEAST (G-7), life financial, its image is the “EURO”. THINK!!! – ??? When in history have countries grouped collectively to form a “currency” ??? In Revelations 13:14 the image (EURO) is to the 1st beast the G-7 but it is really of the 2nd beast the EU.

And he had POWER to give LIFE unto the image of the beast (EURO), that it should BOTH SPEAK, and cause that as many as would not worship it should be killed (Rev 13:15). The "POWER" is a Battery, the building block of LIFE is the Biological “CELL” and the SPEAKING is the “PHONE”. The CELL-PHONE, which goes in your "RIGHT-HAND" gives life unto the EURO (image of the Beast), so that it may BOTH SPEAK and cause all who won't worship it to be place to Death – with a PHONE-CALL to the establishment. In case you don't want a CELL-PHONE in your "RIGHT-HAND" – Get a BLUE-TOOTH to place it on YOUR HEAD!!! (rev 13:16)

NO additional interpretation can clarify this IMAGE of the BEAST – Having BOTH LIFE and SPEAKING except for the CELL-PHONE, which is literally saying (LIFE-SPEAK). ALL, small and fantastic, rich and poor, free and bond (house arrest, prison contraband) have CELL PHONES (rev 13:16) – Not RFID implants or credit-cards (which neither have life, nor speak).

WE shall not be able to buy or sell without the internet WWW or 666 (rev 13:17). What more do you need? What are you worshipping? CELL PHONES emit radiation that WILL cause cancer! – and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast (Cell-Phone), and upon them which worshipped his image (Rev 16:1). Look at the frequencies of 3G and 4G cellular networks and compare them to Microwaves. What happens when a microwave is placed on your temple or in your HANDS!!!

DONT be FOOLED – the CELL PHONE is the MARK of the BEAST charitable LIFE (CELL) unto the IMAGE (EURO) of the BEAST (EU) so that it may SPEAK (PHONE) and WWW is the 666 – the standard a cell phone uses to conduct FINANCES and WILL replace the EURO once the economy collapses!!! (Rev 13:15) When powered, a Cell Phone is ALIVE, else the battery is "Dead" or you're in a "Dead" zone – The "cell" and the "battery" makes the "zone" ALIVE. Can any creature out-smart Ba'alzebub, when he fooled Angels? – all that dwell upon the earth shall worsh

Answer by MtotheR MIGHTY RA!
It’s sounds like a worthless buunch of crap made up by the US biased right, who despise an entire continent of public because our politics generally lay to the left of Let’s say Mussolini’s

Answer by OMG Cat
What about the internet then? Is that not the “beast” writing, talking, typing and making YouTube videos?

Answer by Quetzalcoatl ate my 3.1415926535897932384626433832

I scanned the question – but I reckon my IQ would drop by about 5 points, just from reading it word-for-word

just a note…… the oldest first source for the book of revelation gives the ‘number of the beast’ as 616

seems that nutty christians have been getting their panties in a bunch over the incorrect number

Answer by Chaya
- there is no ‘w’ in Hebrew. Unless you mean shin, which looks like a ‘w’ but is pronounced ‘sh’ It’s number is 300 not 6. The only additional letter that may maybe maybe be construed as a ‘w’ is ‘vav’ which Arab Hebrew speakers pronounce ‘waw’, the gematria is 36 not 6.

- it doesn’t make any sense that Euro is an image. Euro isn’t an image it’s a place – Europe, or a currency, Euro. Neither are images, so that is a fake stretch.

-demon and democrat don’t come from the same word. daemon is a supernatural life, demos earnings public. They are not the same word.

-Ba’azelbub didn’t fool angels.

-your mind is making jumps that aren’t right, and causing you to have dread.

Answer by Thomas
How can money be the “image” of the beast?

The beast is the religio/biased kingdom of the Papacy ….

So the “image” of the beast, will be an image of the Papal church. This will be a Protestant religio/biased setup in America …

What do you reckon? Answer below!

20070811 – Casey’s surprise party – IMG_3120 – walking to the bar – March of Death
second hand cell phones

Image by Rev. Xanatos Satanicos Bombasticos (ClintJCL)
"Are we there yet? Please say we’re there yet."

BACKSTORY: Kipp presented a few choices to the birthday girl as to what she wanted to do that sundown. One of them was to walk to a bar that was supposedly a "0.4 miles away" and get shots at midnight. That was the option she chose. Well, turns out, it was waaaaay more than a half mile. 1.04 miles earnings it was 2.6X the expected walking, which was already past the limit Clint would even consider — He only begrudgingly went when everyone else did, despite subconsciously knowing better from past experiences. The parking lot makes it look small enough, but it was still a 35-small walk!

To top it off, when we finally got to the bar, we learned that it had gone out of business a couple of weeks before. Uhhh… It’s always best to call ahead before wasting time. Especially an entire party. We walked across the parking lot searching for another bar, but there was none. Since it was a pretty large group, it waspretty spread out. But rather than coming up for everyone to catch up and recuperate, Kipp & Casey kept on walking across the parking lot doing who-knows-what. They finished up taking one of Kipp’s well-known "shortcuts" that was really even longer than the first way. To date, Kipp shortcuts of cumulatively atrophied more time than they have saved — just question the skiiers. We were like, "What’s going on? Where are Kipp & Casey going?" The rest of the group didn’t seem to know any, because the supposed leader did not even tell any person where he was going or what was going on.

We were all abandoned, so we finally chose to walk back to Kipp’s, since that’s where our cars were. Calling a taxi was debated. We also weren’t sure which house to take when going back into the woods, because everyone expected Kipp to not abandon us, and public were drinking and not necessarliy paying attention to where we emerged from the woods. It became an issue of debate and nervousness.

Also, our fearless leader took our only flashlight, so we had braved the woods — complete with foot join — using only cell-phone lights. This was hard, because there were fewer cell phones than public.

When we got back, the entire party waited for Kipp & Casey to restore, but they never did. One by one, public ultimately gave up left — After all, nobody was too drunk to drive after **70 MINUTES** of walking. I was really unable to speak during a lot of the walk, because I was more or less out of breath the entire time, trying to keep up with the group.

This was to date in the top 5 most effective killings of excellent times that I have ever seen in my life. Speaking from experience, cops coming to a party twice are wayyyy less of a damper than this was. So, not counting the 70 small hike, the party finished well before midnite. Counting it, public didn’t place until after 1AM.

Carolyn, Christian, Evan, Greg, Shannon.
hand sign.

Kipp Elsbernd’s house, Fairfax, Virginia.

August 11, 2007.

… Read my blog at
… Read Carolyn’s blog at

… View Casey’s photos at
… View Christian and Shannon’s photos at
… Read Evan’s blog at
… View Evan’s photos at
… Read Greg’s blog at
… View Greg and Nicole’s photos at
… View Kipp’s photos at
… View Shannon’s photos at

To see a 30-second record taken right after everyone yelled "SURPRISE!" for Casey:

Here are my thoughts: I reckon it is some scheme thought up by the cell phone companies and the government to rake in huge bucks. It is poorly thought out and makes small sense for innumerable reasons. One, talking alone is as much (if not more) of a distraction while driving. The one hand on the cell phone does not have everything to do with public driving terrible while talking on their cells. Public drive poorly for thousands of additional reasons as well. Accidents are accidents. I may maybe also be talking to a passenger and holding a cup of hot coffee in one hand. Are they going to ban this as well? Hell, I may maybe be talking on my blue tooth and alternative my nose, is this much different? Second, head sets/ bluetooths are just as distracting (if not more) in my opinion. Just days gone by I was driving down a busy road where the speed limit is 45 mph. This guys pulls out in front of me and does 10 mph for several blocks. When I pass him he is… trying to set up his bluetooth. Third, it is not hard to pull
out my cell phone and answer it. It is harder for me to map out a damn head set. Not to mention how irritating it is when your walking down the street, or in a store, and public are talking away on their blue tooth. There have me numbers of times when I have thought public are talking to me, so I talk back. Then realize they are on their blue tooth and then I am the one who feels stupid. I reckon life rude in public should be the law if anything. I may maybe go on about how stupid this law is, but I want to know what everyone else thinks. Thanks for reading guys.
Let me rephrase the question for persons who don’t get it: “driving while talking on your cell phone.” Thanks.
But how is talking on a blue tooth or head set, or to a passenger, any different than talking on a conventional cell phone? Public are still in a conversation any way. If they wanted to reduce accidents from public talking on cell phones, they would ban head sets as well wouldn’t they? Does anyone even have statistical evidence that talking on a head set is less perilous than on a fixed cell?

Answer by Bill H
I never drive on my cell phone. That get’s expensive quickly.

Answer by G-gal
I don’t reckon you should ever drive on your cell phone, I prefer to use a car.

Answer by belairjr
i would reckon its the insurance companys that pushed this thru just as much.

Answer by HoneyBunBabe
We already have that law in Connecticut and no one follows it.

But I will tell you that there are too many accidents of public talking on cell phones and driving. They don’t enforce this law enough. If a call is that vital, pull off to the side of the road, or wait until you reach your destination to talk. There is no need to talk while driving, especially teenagers, though adults do it as well. Why do you need to listen about how Jane and Joe are getting a divorce, or how Sally got smashed at the party on Saturday? Why can’t this just wait?
Basically, it is one less distraction. Hardly anything is that vital that you need to be on your phone while driving. It shows how society is hooked on technology.

Answer by starrfyrre
It is a law in NJ too I judge. The law has validity because public who are on cell phones while driving pay less attention to their driving than to their conversation. I live in Florida now and I was hit in the rear by a driver who was too busy yakking on her cell phone to notice there was a yield sign ahead and that I was yielding to traffic. Luckily, she got the ticket and all the hurt to her car.

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