Chủ Nhật, 5 tháng 6, 2011

When will new cell phones from Virgin mobile come out?

When will new cell phones from Virgin mobile come out?

I only use prepaid because its very inexpensive. i want to know when the new phones come out.

Answer by xxx_Emotional Punk_xxx
The new superslice is coming in mid september. not sure when the aloha is.

the superslice will have bluetooth. and will cost 60 dollars

the aloha will cost 40
no bluetooth

Add your own answer in the comments!

Thank you, Mama, and Pleased New Year to you, too. But would you mind if I called you back, like, tomorrow?
new cell phones coming out

Image by Ed Yourdon
(This is one of the fenced-in rectangular area described in the notes below … which the police have not yet allowed any visitors to venture into … the view is looking north from approximately 43rd Street.

Note: this photo was published in an undated (Jan 3, 2011) Everyblock NYC zipcodes blog titled "10036."

As I noted in this Flickr set a year ago, no New Yorker in his right mind goes to Times Square on New Year’s Eve. Nobody from Manhattan, anyway — you can never tell about persons crazy public in the remote boroughs of Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, or the Bronx (and we won’t even try to imagine what persons crazy folks in New Jersey might do). Really, even some residents of Manhattan have experienced the New Year’s Eve count-down once in their lives, if only so they can speak with some authority about the subject. In my case, it was back in 1969; and it was only because I had had a pleasant dinner at a fancy restaurant a couple blocks from Times Square, and had to walk to the subway when no taxis may maybe be found. There I was, in the midst of it all … and once was more than enough.

Why do New Yorkers do their best to stay away from Times Square on New Year’s Eve? Well, have you ever looked at a TV report from Times Square in the midst of all that mayhem? There are a gazillion additional public out there, jammed against each additional, shoulder to shoulder — and they’re all drunk (or at least they look that way), and they’re all screaming at the top of their lungs. You can’t just drive to a nearby corner and park your car, with a plot of getting back in your car and fleeing after you’ve seen what a crazy thought it was. And you can’t take a taxi right to the middle of Times Square — at least, not after mid-afternoon on New Year’s Eve. Even worse, there are no public bathrooms anywhere to be found, so you’re in distress if you drink too much beer … except that the cops do their best, reasonably understandably, to make sure nobody in the Times Square area (which, on this special night, is broadly defined to cover the area from 34th Street to 59th Street, and from Sixth Avenue to Eighth Avenue) is drinking or doing anything that might look perilous. Or carrying a backpack that might contain perilous things.

Consequently, it often seems that most of the crowd has chosen to get roaring drunk before they arrive on the scene. All of which might be fantastic fun if the weather is apparent, and the temperature is somewhere above the freezing mark. But if it’s 30 degrees or lower, and it’s drizzling or raining or snowing, this is not a place where you want to spend six or eight hours permanent around with two million of your best (drunken) friends…

Thus, it should not surprise you to hear that I was not in Times Square to watch the ball drop at midnight on New Year’s Eve of 2010 (or, for that matter, any additional year going back to 1969). But, I remembered that my visit to Times Square in the early afternoon of Dec 31, 2009 had been somewhat fascinating, and since the weather forecasters were predicting mild, mostly-sunny skies this year, I thought it might be fascinating to try it again.

I took the IRT subway down to Times Square, and then spent the next two hours wandering north up Broadway to about 49th Street, and then back toward 42nd St. again. Even at 1:30 PM, the streets were already crowded with families and tourists, and what seemed to be an even larger number of police. It also seemed like nearly everyone was wearing a party hat, or a set of "2011" fake eyeglasses, or some additional kind of celebratory costume or adornment. There were also gazillions of digital cameras, and an equal number of Blackberries and cellphones. I wonder how many millions and millions of digital images and record clips were shot during the course of the afternoon.

Perhaps the most amusing sight during the afternoon was the frequent appearance of delivery guys wearing bright, colorful, and instantly familiar Domino’s Pizza uniforms, wandering through the crowds with large, insulated "thermal" bags that probably carried half a dozen pizzas. In a couple cases, they were peering restlessly at individuals at a specific street corner; my assumption was that someone had called Domino’s from their cell phone, requesting delivery to that exact spot. But in additional cases, it looked far more likely that the delivery guys were just wandering around, looking for hungry public that were probably willing to pay a premium price for a excellent hot slice of pizza … or the whole darn pie.

Around 2:45 PM, I was wandering south on Broadway once again, but when I got as far as 44th Street, I may maybe see that the cops had completely closed off the next two blocks, and that even the sidewalks were impassable. I knew that they were cordoning the crowd into fenced-in rectangular areas, and that (a) each person allowed into such a rectangular area was first searched by a cop for booze, weapons or additional contraband, and (b) once inside the fenced-in area, you weren’t allowed out unless you left for excellent.

As more public arrived, the cops kept moving northwards, filling up one rectangular area after another. The obvious strategy for me, then, was to turn around and head north — toward the community IRT subway stop at Broadway and 50th Street. But I got no further than 46th Street before everything stopped, and I may maybe make no further progress along the sidewalk, even though I had been hugging the sides of the buildings along the way to avoid the throngs everywhere else. Fortunately, I was only about 10 feet from the corner of Broadway and 46th; but it took a excellent, solid 15 minutes to really reach the corner — at which point I heard the cops yelling to the crowd that they were closing everything down, and that anyone who wanted to go elsewhere would have to take the "side street" (i.e., 46th Street) over to 8th Avenue, in order to steer further northward.

There were more barricades at 8th Avenue and 46th Street, and the narrow passageways onto 8th Avenue itself were life closed down. I managed to squeeze through, got onto 8th Avenue, and then easily walked up to 50th Street. Back over to Broadway, and I may maybe look down the avenue all the way to the tower on 42nd Street where the ball would drop later tonight. And turning around, I may maybe look several blocks north up Broadway, and see that (a) they were all empty, and (b) the cops had cordoned them off, too. By now, it was about 3:15 PM, and I got the sense that it wouldn’t be long before the fenced-in crowds would be all the way up to where I was, and then further north, perhaps all the way up to Central Park at 59th Street.

In any case, it was clearly time to go home. I uploaded the 800+ photos that I had taken during the afternoon, loved a tasty New Year’s Eve dinner at home, and then settled down to watch the revelry on television as the countdown came to an end. As I noted at the end of last year’s Flickr set of Times Square images, the TV coverage was obviously far more extensive than what I may maybe accomplish with just one DSLR camera; and it was also infinitely more sophisticated, with high-end TV cameras located on strategic vantage points all around the square. On the additional hand, the TV images appear, and then disappear, often leaving no lasting impression. By contrast, these still images will hopefully be fascinating to look at months, if not years, from now. For better or worse, they’ll be here whenever you’d like to see them…

Answer by AngOoL aAy=]
Well in Australia, the Apple iphone should be coming out.

Know better? Place your own answer in the comments!

Today i am talking about the new phone coming out called the Nokia X7-00 which was leaked, also have photos. ;) And i’ve noticed that it will be or might be running Symbian OS. Thanks for watching delight in. :D Twitter: Facebook: – Alien1tech
Record Rating: 4 / 5

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