Chủ Nhật, 5 tháng 6, 2011

Which cell phone has best reception?

Which cell phone has best reception?

I live in the country. I am looking for a cell phone that has excellent reception for Cingular Wireless/AT&T. It does not need a lot of bells and whistles but does need to be affordable. Basic camera phone, I text, but not that much but need fantastic/excellent reception. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated! Thanks a bunch!!
I don’t need to pick another servicer. I already have cingular/at&t. I need a excellent cell phone with excellent reception. My current cell phone is dreadful. Need a excellent affordable cell phone with excellent reception.

Answer by guju001
the type of cell phone you have does not exchange the reception, the provider you have does, in this case you have Cingular Wireless/AT&T. I used to have it but switched to Verizon for better reception.

Answer by Harry H
I’ve had AT&T wireless for years and never have had any distress with reception. AT&T is the one to choose.

Answer by mandyc726
There is a reason that at&t is the #1 cell provider. I would recomend a nokia. They are know for there reception and durability.

Know better? Place your own answer in the comments!

Elaeocarpus holopetalus – Mount Imlay Rainforest
best cell phone reception

Image by Poytr
Mount Imlay – cool temperate rainforest in the far south east of New South Wales. A remote and seldom seen rainforest. The altitude here is 800 metres above sea level.

The forest is dominated by the Black Olive Berry (Elaeocarpus holopetalus). 25 metres tall.

I phoned "Black Diamond" from this exact spot. Excellent call and brilliant mobile phone reception. It’s best to climb these Australian mountains in the cooler months. Too hot in January!

An hour earlier, I photographed the critically scarce Mount Imlay Mallee . (And place disinfectant on my walking boots beforehand). After seeing the first live mallee, I got out of the area very soon.

All I need is phone service and, since I travel a lot, fringe reception and service are very vital. The additional features available on cell phones are useless to me. I currently have Cingular but may switch to Verizon.

Answer by blaze67247
I would go with a nokia because the have strong Watt power which determines signal strength.

Answer by twostories
I live in a rural area and spent 5 days going through Cingular,Sprint,Nextell and was ready to give up because when I got home I couldn’t get 1 bar in or around my ranch. I called Alltell as a last resort and a sales person really drove 17 miles out to my house tracking my signal with a Motorola cell phone and got the same results. He then hooked up the phone to a mobile booster and got 5 bars at my home and all the way back to his store. I went down to the store and bought the phone and booster and it works like a charm. I get three bars in my home and I am in a known dead package was a “Motorola” E815, and 1 Duel Band “Cyfre” CA-819 Amplifier $ 200, pricey but works anywhere so far. indoor, mobile and outdoors. It is exceptionally rare to find a sales person that would go so out of his way to please a customer, so i’m sold on Alltell.

Know better? Place your own answer in the comments!

Our family camped at Mather Campground in Grand Canyon National Park, on the South Rim, recently. It was a blast. Nothing like camping to bring the best out of our kids, and ourselves. No cell phone reception, no internet connection and lots of trees to climb, rocks to find, treasures to dig up, s’mores to cook, and everything else. It was a fantastic time. Can’t wait for our next camping trip.
Record Rating: 4 / 5

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