Cell phone scanners?
Ok, I constantly have the issue of my neighbors where they play their music loud enough it comes in my house. It happens frequently enough I call the cops. Ive noticed for awhile now, that nearly immediately from the call, within 1-5 min the music just suddenly stops. I dont reckon its timing here, its too coincidental.
Im suspecting they have a scanner?
So my question is, can they do this, can they somehow have something that can listen in on surrounding cell phone calls. What can I do to prevent this. Can scanners pick up landline phones as well?
Is there something I can use with my phone to scramble what they pick up without affecting my call?
Answer by Daniel K
They cannot listen to your cell phone, but they very well may be able to monitor police frequencies. They would hear the dispatcher tell the officer in the car that there is a loud music complaint at such and such an address.
Answer by etech9
yeah the encryption methods used in cell phones are unbreakable!
(maybe unless your kevin mitnick)
i wouldnt rule out the land line phone tho.
Answer by altamuu
If they were knowledgable about electronics they may maybe get around that by looking and listening to their broadband receiver and or spectrum analyzer. I was in the military and we had such devices we used to evaluate interferences sources. I judge there is some fringe areas of the law that can be skimmmed!; so to speak.
Excellent luck on your community distress makers
Know better? Place your own answer in the comments!
U turn u cell phone into a bar code scanner
Image by leeleblanc
Lee LeBlanc -from my g1.
Answer by Brent @ StillAftermath.com
Cell Phone frequencies are protected on the network the person pays to use. It is illegal to try to hack into them, as it is an invasion of privacy.
Answer by rec9140
You can not unlock the cell phone frequencies on scanners, in the US.
The ECPA 1984 prohibits this and the monitoring of cell phone calls.
Along with the fact if even you may maybe unlock the frequencies, 99% of all the calls are digital in modes such as iDEN, CDMA, and GSM which your current scanner can not monitor.
The only way to do this is with a device called a service monitor such as the Motorola R2600, starting cost used is $ 10,000+
Your not going to monitor cell phones on a scanner any longer.
What do you reckon? Answer below!
Spy Gear Decoy Listener
- Hear outlying conversations
- Hit the decoy ringer to make a diversion
- Portable and lighweight
Rival spies will never suspect you’re listening in on their secret plans when you stroll past, seemingly consumed by an vital call on your cell phone. The Spy Decoy Listener looks like an ordinary flip phone but houses a directional microphone that amplifies sound, allowing you to hear distant discussions more clearly.If approached, quickly end your call and push the keypad before closing your phone to trigger the time-delayed ring. In 10 seconds you’ll have a believable excuse to answer you
List Price: $ 17.99
Price: $ 3.00
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