Thứ Bảy, 4 tháng 6, 2011

Based on price, phones, cellular range, plans, and satisfaction, who's the best cell phone company out now?

Based on price, phones, cellular range, plans, and satisfaction, who's the best cell phone company out now?

Is it Verizon? T-Mobile? AT&T? Sprint? Helio? Who is it, and what makes that company the best?

Answer by Leesha
alltel…..then it would be verizon…then T-mobile

but persons are your best ones

Answer by Emma L
it is not t-mobile. sorry their plans might be attractive but i speak for experience: cellular range is not excellent, satisfaction is not excellent all of their phones break
I would say that Verizon has the best phones and satisfaction
AT&T has the best cellular ranges
They both have excellent prices and plans
i don’t know about sprint or helio but i would chose AT&T or Verizon personally you should check out their websites: Verizon:
Hope this helped!

What do you reckon? Answer below!

homeless guy on his phone
cellular cell phones

Image by Malingering

Having a cell phone is excellent and a common resource for life able to receive calls when you are away from home.
I judge that cell phones has gone away from it’s right meaning of consumers having them in the first place
It’s ok to add gadgets to them, but as far as I’m concerned I’m not for cameras on phones

For instance, ex boyfriend friends were talking about taking a picture up a girl dress, of women’s breast, and you get the picture and through all of this he said none of them noticed because he was perpetrating that he was dialing numbers but instead was taking pictures. How do I know, well I’ve seen them. it’s sick. Someone may maybe be taking pictures of your person and you’d reckon that they were dialing a number, when in actuality they were taking pictures.
So be care. Especially anyone who have kids. I’d be concerned for the sake of kids more than anything
I have 2 girls and I would be aware of anyone who has a phone whether are not they were ‘dialing’ a number or taking a pic

Answer by jimobasa
Hi Claudia. The point you make is very valid; but consumers were asking the cellphone manufacturers for gadgets on their phones and the manufacturers had to listen or else lose their place in what is a very competitive market. I bought my very first cellphone in 1996, a Nokia analog phone and I never imagined that ten years later, I would have a phone that not only takes pictures, but also plays videos and can store 200 songs and work hands free. Yes cellphones can be perilous in the incorrect hands, but so can the Internet

Answer by Help is here
You do have a valid point, but anything that was calculated to be a excellent business has the the makings to be used in a terrible way. It is up to the indvidual to be responsible user of each product.

Answer by lovedubya
valid point, but i’ve never used my camera phone for anything like that and i reckon its fantastic

Answer by karuppu s
u can get pics from the site

Answer by wirelessforless2000
camera phones are aight, This site has alof of info they have alot of info on cell phones.

Know better? Place your own answer in the comments!
WHO: Cell phone use can increase possible cancer risk
Radiation from cell phones can maybe cause cancer, according to the World Health Organization. The agency now lists mobile phone use in the same “carcinogenic hazard” category as lead, engine exhaust and chloroform.
Read more on CNN

Composed by Johann Pachelbel Arranged by Funtwo Plyed by ChoiChungSoon(Korean) Thank You

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