Chủ Nhật, 5 tháng 6, 2011

Where can I find laptop thats cheap but good quality?

Where can I find laptop thats cheap but good quality?

I’m just wondering where I can find a mainframe that’s cheap but excellent quality?
I was thinking there might be a second hand shop place that would have them like a rerun place? Cause I know they have rerun cell phone places and stuff so yeah…

Answer by faboulousme617
best buy

Answer by starlightstrm
Any or best we got our there for about 400 depends on what you have to spend.

Answer by daisy.
i’d say best buy or even walmart
maybe cuircut city.

Answer by dragons225
Go to bestbuy. They are very helpful.

Answer by He’ll Be Home For Christmas!
If you are wanting a “second hand” mainframe, then open your phone book and see if there are any places. You may maybe be anywhere in the world right now, so I have no way of telling you where to look for your specific area.

Give your answer to this question below!

10-05-06 Medina Pan
second hand cell phones

Image by Picture_taking_fool
I was completely exhausted when I took this, but how may maybe I resist with this lighting and a sky like that?

Check out the light trail on the right-hand side of image…. and follow it down the stairs (see note above.) This was from someone walking by while talking on a cell phone.

Two 30 second exposures with 2.8 apertures (I needed every bit of light I may maybe get) Images were Autostiched collectively… minimal Photoshoping

Because of a condition I have, I can’t spend the early part of labor in the comfort of my own home. I need to go to the hospital as soon as it starts so I will be there for reasonably a while. The hospital here makes you stay a mandatory 24 hours after birth, and it’s 3 days if you need a C-section. The later list is what I am bringing for me and the baby, as well as what my mother, who will be there with me will need. Let me know if there’s anything I should add!

FOR MOM (me):

- Ipod + head phones, book to read, magazines, puzzle book, etc. (just some things to pass time and relax/distract)
- Snoogle (body pregnancy/nursing pillow) with extra case
- hair ties and clips
- purse with chewing gum, inhaler, lip chap, cell phone + charger, hand lotion, eyeglasses, and wallet with exchange
- slippers
-warm fuzzy socks
- 2 pj bottoms & large t-shirts
- comfortable robe
- night gown to wear in the tub; I’m wearing a hospital gown for the actual birth
- nursing gown
- nursing bra and nursing pads
-nursing veil (for privacy)
-sanitary pads
-disposable underwear
-hair brush
- toiletries (tooth brush + paste, shampoo and conditioner, etc.)
-nail clippers (so I don’t scratch baby)
-comfortable baggy-fitting outfit to wear home (nursing shirt and maternity sweats, complete w/socks & high-waisted undies!)
-healthy snacks (for after)
* towels provided by hospital

FOR PAIN (not getting an epidural)
-elecrtic massage tool + extra batteries
-massage oil
-epsom salts (for the tub)
-stress ball
- birthing ball *provided by hospital but have one at home someone can grab if they’re all in use
- wash cloths (to use as a cold compress)
- wheat bag (because there are microwaves)


- exchange of clothes
- book or magazine
- tooth brush, tooth paste and additional basic toiletries
- at least $ 20 in cash and exchange for snacks, drinks, etc.
- snacks & drinks in a small cooler
- watch with a second hand to time contractions
*whatever else she decides to bring!


- car seat

*this is all in a diaper bag
- 2 newborn hats
- 2 pairs of newborn mittens
- 2 receiving blankets
- 2 sleepers
- 2 “onesies”
- 2 pairs of socks
- “going home” outfit with a sweater
- soft baby blanket
- diapers
- baby wipes
- rash cream
- baby wash/shampoo
- pacifier


- birth plot (extra copies)
- “key questions about your care” card (a card with questions to question staff when they suggest tests/interventions during labor)
- breast feeding success cards (one for a boy, one for a girl; breast feeding tips on the back and birth date/time, weight/length, name & additional info. is written on the front)
- telephone numbers of family/friends
- prenatal vitamins
- small journal to write in
- plastic bags for dirty laundry
-Okay, looks like I need to bring more outfits for baby!

Answer by ♥Lottie♥ Elodie arrived 02-12-09
Newborn’s often spit up. I took 5 vests and 5 sleepsuits for my daughter, I was only in 40 hours and had to get my partner to bring more clean ones in. You may need more than 2.

Half of the things you pack you more that likely won’t use but there is no harm in taking them in case. x

Answer by annaabby
I brought my own pillow. I found the hospital pillows any wasn’t comfortable or wasn’t enough of.

Answer by Barbara S has 2 daughters
You should check with your hospital beforehand, but you probably won’t need diapers and stuff for your baby, unless there’s a certain brand you want to use, or if you want to cloth diaper. Most hospitals provide persons things, and the one I delivered at allowed us to take home anything that was left over that wasn’t cloth when we had our first daughter – they even gave us the pan we used to bathe her in, filled with all the soap and ointments they’d brought us while we were there. They also provided pacifiers, which came individually sterilized in small separate packages. I’m only pointing this out because it seems like you’ve got reasonably a load to haul, and the less you can pack the better.

I know when I had my first I had forgotten my cell phone charger and my hair brush, so kudos to you for remembering persons things. Your choice to bring maternity clothes is also a smart one… I finished up having an emergency c-section with my first daughter, and I brought my fixed underwear. There was no way I may maybe have worn a bikini for many weeks, and my mom really had to bring me some different ones! Excellent plotting.

It doesn’t sound like you’ve left anything out. Best of luck.

Answer by mama
- newborn mittens rarely stay on, so pack extra pair of newborn socks to use as mittens incase the one’s you have don’t stay place.
- spit up cloths (i used cloth diapers)
- take an extra couple of outfits for baby. They spit up a lot and often they are too small for their newborn diapers so have a few leaks during the first couple of days.
- a digital camera with a lot of memory available. Take spare batteries
- your mobile phone and charger

Answer by me
To be honest you are very thorough but just remember all these things that you pack will have to be dragged all the way back home and it can be reasonably a nuisance! Especially when public come to visit and give you lots of gifts! You will have so many things to drag back home it can be reasonably impossible and a hassle. I would take use of the things that the hospital offers, such as diapers, baby clothes, blankets, formula , ect.. u wont need the majority of the stuff that you are bringing. I would try to cut down on alot of the things that you are bringing its just too much!!! You wont have time to read orlisten to an ipod judge me, you will be in pain or taking care of the baby its just not realistic.

Add your own answer in the comments!
Golf Capsules: Stricker a real ace at the Memorial
DUBLIN, Ohio (AP) — On a course with such a fine line between birdies and bogeys, Steve Stricker settled for perfection Friday in the Memorial with a hole-in-one that place him in control at Muirfield Village.
Read more on The Brownsville Herald

Voyage Stylish Hand Crafted Wallet Carrying Case for HTC EVO 4G (Sprint) + Includes Wisdom Courage Wristband

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Price: $ 14.99

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Record Rating: 5 / 5

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