Should cell phones be allowed at school?
Should cell phones be allowed at school?
i have to do a debate and i am for cell phones at school.
What are some excellent things to say in my debate for cell phones at school.
Answer by emily
Since you’re for cell phones in school, you may maybe say how cell phones would be vital for after school activities or emergencies, like:
If you needed to stay after school, you may maybe call and arrange a time to be picked up.
If you were on the bus and were running late or early, you may maybe call and let your parents know.
If there was a school emergency, you may maybe call and let your parents know and get picked up.
Answer by molly w
Here are a few:
> in case of emergency you can get hold of your parents/guardian easily
> Phones can be place on silent mode during lesson time
> make a convenience which was previously not available
hmm thats all i can reckon of
Answer by roderick_young
Contend that we are facing the reality that everyone will have a cell phone. Look for statistics – some 20% of homes don’t even have land lines anymore, I reckon. Telling a person that they can’t have a cell phone is pretty much telling them to disconnect from society.
Cite safety issues – at the Virgiania Tech Massacre, students may maybe barricade themselves inside a classroom and call out. Also, a text alert was sent to report the entire school of danger.
Don’t get boxed into a corner if the opposition wants to define the resolution as cells should be allowed any time, any where, in school. If you agrue for that, you’ll lose. Concede that cell phones should be turned off in class unless the teacher authorizes their use, and add that this is irrelevant to whether cells should be allowed *at all* in school. Certainly, faculty can have cell phones, right? Are they arguing for no cell phones, ever?
A cell phone is not like a weapon, drugs, or similar contraband. It is not illegal, and even the TSA would allow you to carry one onto a plane.
The opposition may contend that there is a danger because cell phones may maybe be used for drug deals and additional crimes on campus. Concede that banning cell phones may maybe be a reasonable policy at persons few schools with severe drug issues. Again, it is irrelevant, as the debate is about general policy, and the vast majority of schools do not have such issues.
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New School Sit-In
Image by edenpictures
Supporters of the sit-in gather on the sidewalk outside of the New School building.
should they be allowed to have internet access on phones? why or why not?
Answer by desmeran (emeritus)
i reckon there’s nothing incorrect with “having” as long as they’re not life disruptive or rude or distracted by using them in class.
my parents are high school teachers and they are highly skeptical of across-the-board cellphone bans. in their mind, there doesn’t need to be a school-wide rule about not “having” them … just teacher discretion to tell a disruptive kid (whether disruptive with a cellphone or something else) to cut it out.
Answer by BiddyBum
Should humans be allowed to have cell phones at all? Riddle me that. I say to hell with em.
Answer by Mj forver
i reckon teens should have cell phones at school for emergency use only
Answer by Gina P
Should teens be allowed to have a mobile on their person in school? Absolutely! You never know when an emergency situation may pop up. God forbid you got hurt and there was no one around, or there was a serious fight or shooting in your school and you needed to call for help ASAP. Unfortuntely that IS a possibility in todays day and age.
Now, should you be allowed to use the phone for ever stupid small reason such as calling freinds, no! That, in my opinion is distracting to not just youself but to others as well and would warrant a detention.
Answer by yank
Yes, ever since Columbine.
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Craik School in Saskatchewan Canada is exploring the use of cellphones as learning tools. This record highlights the work of Carla Dolman and Gord Taylor and the grade 8 and 9 students of Craik School. For more information, read this blog entry:
Record Rating: 4 / 5
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