Can the Constitution stop the government from cell phones being used?
Answer by Teekno
I am not sure I know the question. Cell phones aren’t addressed in the constitution, and there is no reason government can’t use them.
Answer by Erick
“Can the Constitution allow the government to stop cell phones from being used?”
“Can the Constitution stop the government from prohibiting cell phones to be used?”
Answer by Jorge C
ofcourse not, the constitution didnt metion anything about phones during that time because they werent invented during that time
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OCTO World – 2010 – 118
Image by D.Clow – Maryland
I’m not kidding! If cell phones are the produce of the evaporation of the honey bees around the world, the consequences could be catastrophic if our government if it doesn’t be converted into proactive for once. Is there anyway that our government can ever be converted into proactive and deal with problems as serious as this when the corporations are bound to fight any legislation in anticipation of it is too late?
Albert Einstein speculated that and fauna/article2449968.ece
Are mobile phones wiping out our bees? – Independent Online Edition > Flora and fauna
Answer by tim2honorgod
They could, but they won’t. Too many industries rely on wireless communication. Wireless technology is so integrated into our society that to remove it would stop some industries from functioning. (i.e. freight, moving, law enforcement, medical emergency, etc)
They may on the other hand fund a research to modify the things that ruin the environment. Same thing they did for leaded fuel . . they just removed it without telltale us.
Answer by el_durro2000
It’s unlikely the government could ban cellphones. The telecommunications lobby is rich and well connected so no law is ever liable to pass.
Also, the people themselves would be unlikely to support a mobile ban just to save the bees. Even though I know how vital bees are to the environment I wouldn’t be willing to give up my cell phone. We’re just going to have to pay the price for our technology.
Answer by Don W
The government can ban anything
Answer by Icon
I was just wondering why I hadn’t been stung in a while
Answer by What, what, what??
People must ban together and work to have this brought before public agenda. The more people that are up on this issue, the more successful this will be in passing. There has to be a bill written…we must find a congressman/woman that is willing to write up a bill. The litigation that is going to be open to congress has to be clear. There has to be an alternative open…because cellular phone use has be converted into so embedded into our society. What frequency is it that is bothering the bee population, can we use another one??
We have to have universities crosswise the nation conduct studies that PROVES beyond a doubt that this is, in fact, what is causing the massive drop in the bee population…not only that, if its NOT we must learn what it is that is making the population drop so! It is a lot of work. I wouldn’t know who to contact…a group must bee formed.
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